Food and Agriculture Organization (Philippines)

Food and Agriculture Organization (Philippines)

Contacts 241
Tenders 273
Grants 0
Jobs 264
Contractors 0
Pricing strategy 0
Last update: Jan 8, 2024 Last update: Jan 8, 2024
Pricing strategy


Address:Rockwell Business Center Sheridan Corner Sheridan and United Streets 1554 Mandaluyong City, Philippines
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Sectors:Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Fo ...
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Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture, Food Processing & Safety
Nr. of employees:201-500

Attachments 3


The Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2018-2024 defines the technical cooperation priorities for the period 2018-2024 of the partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of the Philippines. The document is anchored in the priorities and development thrusts enunciated in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 which focus on: (i) accelerating human capital development, specifically the outcome on improved nutrition for all; (ii) expanding economic opportunities in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry (AFF); (iii) ensuring ecological integrity, clean and healthy environment; (iv) reducing vulnerability of individuals and families; and (v) attaining just and lasting peace.
Improved nutrition for all
CPF Outcome 1 will focus on improving the enabling environment on food and nutrition through capacity building and policy advice targeted mainly for LGUs. Food security will be stressed as a goal beyond the production of rice and will contribute to the overarching strategic pillar to lift the majority of the Filipinos out of poverty and food insecurity.

FAO has had considerable experiences on CPF Outcome 1, and drawing on from the good learning from previous initiatives, two outputs will be underscored:

Output 1.1 Improving institutional capacities to support and mobilize resources towards the incorporation of nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems as well as social and gender equity concerns in decision-making and implementation process at the national and local levels
Output 1.2 Strengthening institutional capacities on information systems and coordination gender-disaggregated data collection, analysis, and monitoring across multi-sectoral areas of food security and nutrition, food safety, as well as gender and social equity concerns at the national and local levels
Expanded economic opportunities in agriculture, fishery, and forestry (AFF) and ensured ecological integrity, clean and healthy environment
CPF Outcome 2 aims to contribute to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the agriculture, fishery and forestry (AFF) sector by strengthening the capacities of the national agencies and LGUs on promoting gender-equitable sustainable management and competitive utilization of AFF and environment and natural resources (ENR) through inclusive value chains. FAO will also help introduce institutional and technological innovations on value and supply chains that can: (a) reduce food costs, losses and supply uncertainties (e.g. food needs of mass markets); (b) increase and diversify incomes; (c) induce productivity gains by small farmers and other organized groups to increase their opportunity for wealth creation and integrate them better into the local, national and global markets. Towards this end, 2 outputs will be highlighted:

Output 2.1 Strengthening institutional coordination and technical capacity for inclusive and gender-equitable sustainable management/governance and competitive utilization of AFF and ENR
Output 2.2 Improving access of poor rural producers, small farmers (especially women), fishermen, agrarian reform beneficiaries, and other value chain actors, including indigenous peoples (IPs) and women, to appropriate technologies and production cum post-harvest practices, inputs, markets, as well as to sustainable agri-business value chains combined with social protection systems
Reduced vulnerabilities of individuals and families and just and lasting peace achieved
Under CPF Outcome 3, FAO will provide context-specific support to farm households living in hazard prone areas through intensive adoption of the twin elements (adaptation and mitigation) of climate smart agriculture. Disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) practices will be improved by capacitating public institutions to put in place specific DRRM work plans and early warning and mechanism for early actions including through social protection systems. Resilient livelihoods through profitable social enterprises coupled with conservation efforts will be promoted in upland as well as in coastal and marine areas (e.g. aquaculture/blue growth) especially in conflict areas in Mindanao. These initiatives will ensure community resilience through risk-informed, gender-responsive initiatives, and equitable access to socio-economic opportunities and resources. At the same time, promote a common understanding of diversity and inequalities of areas affected by conflict to accelerate sustainable and equitable development for just and lasting peace in Mindanao. FAO Outcome 3 will focus on the following outputs:

Output 3.1 Improving/strengthening capacities of national and LGUs and key stakeholders for emergency preparedness and inclusive crisis response to climate change impacts, natural and human-induced disasters and other emergencies
Outcome 3.2 Enhancing capacity of vulnerable population to access information, appropriate risk reduction and transfer mechanism, and adaptation practices and resources to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience of communities at risk to threats and crises

Country eligibility

No information available

Circumstantial eligible countries

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Tender Management Modes

Financing agencies
  • FAO

  • JICS



Grant Management Modes

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