your profile

Fill out all the relevant details for better visibility, more views and more opportunities.

76 % 13/17 profile fields

Missing data:

Profile details

  • Phone(s)

Financial data

  • Address
  • Country
  • Invoice recipients
Broadcast your CV to potential employers
Request this standalone service and send your CV up to 13138 organizations and recruiters. By promoting your CV via the time-saving CV broadcast tool you will raise the visibility of your profile to thousands of employers and increase your chances of securing a contract.
Cv broadcast logo
Effortlessly reach organizations and recruiters to be hired
The CV broadcast service generates new opportunities by making sure your CV is delivered directly to the databases of potential employers. By sending your CV, you will make sure organizations know about your experience and availability and your data will be saved on their records for future opportunities.
Customize the list of those who will receive your CV from a total of 13138 potential recipients by selecting your sectors and countries of interest.
Introduce yourself up to 401101 organizations from your sectors.
Filter recipients by sector and location (max 7 options).
Send CV(s), cover letter and a photo.
Select organizations to be excluded from your CV broadcast.
€ 249
Service Delivery Timelines: It will take up to 24 working hours for your information to be processed onto the database.
Bonus and discounts The CV Broadcast is offered at a discounted price of € 149 for members. Become a member
Have any questions?
If you require more details, feel free to send an email at or contact us via support chat.