GIZ can look back on a long tradition of cooperation with Bulgaria.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ has implemented projects in Bulgaria since the 1990s. These initially focused on capacity building for civil society, promoting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and reforms of the public administration.
GIZ then provided intensive support for Bulgaria’s progression towards membership of the European Union. Various twinning projects were launched in which GIZ assisted Bulgarian authorities and public institutions in achieving compliance with EU legislation and administrative standards. Bulgaria joined the European Union on 1 January 2007. As a result, bilateral development cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and Bulgaria ended in 2010.
Nonetheless, GIZ continues to play a role in German-Bulgarian cooperation: for example, we are currently implementing various transregional projects on behalf of BMZ. These multi-country projects primarily aim to promote regional integration in South-East Europe.