Algeria and Germany can look back on a long collaborative partnership, and GIZ has had its own office in Algiers since 1993. Most of GIZ Algeria’s activities are commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
As a major political and economic player, Algeria has become the region’s voice on various environmental issues. The aim of Algerian-German cooperation is to support the implementation of Algeria’s progressive environmental legislation and contribute to integrated environmental policies. GIZ is therefore strengthening the intersectoral planning and coordination capacities of public authorities.
Cooperation focuses on the protection of the environment in areas such as sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, sustainable waste management and the promotion of green technologies and innovation.
GIZ’s main commissioning party is BMZ. GIZ International Services is also active in Algeria on behalf of other donors, such as the European Union (EU) and the private sector.