The goal of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MUDHo) is to make Ethiopia's urban areas democratic role models that foster growth and provide residents with high-quality services.
MUDHo is tasked with framing policies, plans, and initiatives that would assist in creating Green, Resilient, and Well-Governed Cities. These cities aim to facilitate a shift from a nation with a primarily agricultural economy to a country boasting a rapidly expanding industrial sector that drives the economic development necessary to achieve middle-income country status by 2025.
Among other responsibilities, the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction is responsible for and has the authority to:
Create and implement regulations, approaches, development plans, and programs related to construction and urban development.
Conduct urbanization research, form a framework for integrated urban development, and create a national spatial plan, while monitoring the implementation of those measures.
Create plans for the balanced growth of the urban population and implement them in cooperation with relevant federal and local government organizations.
Establish criteria for classifying and defining urban centers and create standards for urban sanitation, visual appeal, and vegetation development while encouraging and monitoring their application.