Advance economic growth and accelerate development creating more prosperity for every Seychellois.
Manage the Seychelles economy through sound financial and economic policies plan carefully and structure strategies for sustainable development and economic stability with the object of promoting more national unity and social justice.
Be the main driver of sound and sustainable economic policies in line with Government’s vision of a modern and efficient economy;
Create a modern and enabling environment that is conducive for the private sector to become the engine of growth and government the facilitator;
Formulate and implement a fiscal policy framework for the government, whereby the financial resources are managed effectively and efficiently.
Entitites under the purview of the Ministry of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning:
Fair Trading Commission
National Statistics Bureau (NSB)
Postal Regulatory Agency
Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission
Seychelles Licensing Authority
Seychelles Revenue Commission
National Tender Board
Seychelles Investment Board
Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission