Company Description
Stichting SNV Nederlandse Ontwikkelings Organisatie, (hereinafter referred to as “SNV Netherlands Development Organisation” or “SNV”) is a not-for-profit international development organisation, that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. SNV is established as a Foundation (Stichting) in The Netherlands. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our expertise in agriculture, energy and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) to local contexts. SNV has over 1,300 staff in more than 25 countries in The Netherlands, Asia, Africa and Latin America. SNV depends 100% on project finance. This requires us to work efficiently and to deliver impact at scale. Annual turnover is around €130M-€140M.
Job Description
SNV is seeking experienced a consultant or consultancy familiar with the urban nutrition context and the related expertise and experience to address issues around the food retail environment to enhance accessibility and acceptability of healthy diets and food safety and explore circular bioeconomy for reduction of food waste and losses.
Consultants qualified in the field of nutrition, nutrition sensitive agriculture, food security and food systems and with experience in urban nutrition intervention design and implementation.
Candidates must have the following qualifications:
Additional Information
The contract will be awarded to the applicant whose qualifications meet the eligibility conditions and who is judged to be the best on a technically and financially acceptable basis.
CLICK HERE for the complete process selection refer to part 3 to The Terms of Reference (TOR) for further explanation and information about this relevant assignment.
IMPORTANT - By clicking on the “I'm interested” button, you will be able to complete relevant information, upload your CV or resume and Cover Letter. Please attach this last important document on the second section “Additional attachments”.
Questions Arising from Documents
Additional questions that may arise from this specific assignment which answers were not found on the PDF document linked above should be directed to SNV Global Contracting & Procurement Team,, no later than the last day of submission of CV and Cover letter detailed below
Deadline for submission of the Cover Letter and CV: 23:59 CET Monday 30 May 2022
Notification of preselected consultants or consultancies: Tuesday 07 June 2022
Starting date of consultancy service: Friday 17 July 2022
Data Protection
It is understood and agreed that the data on prospective applicants will be used by SNV in determining, according to its sole judgment and discretion, the qualifications of prospective applicants to perform in respect to the tender lots described by the client. It will be kept secure in line with SNV’s commitment to EU GDPR 2018, and only used for programming purposes. It will be destroyed after seven (7) years in line with data requirements.