Czech Development Agency

Use of Geothermal Energy for the Development of the Municipality of Cazin - Exploratory Work

Last update: Apr 23, 2018 Last update: Apr 23, 2018


Location:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Energy, Environment & NRM, Mapping & Cadastre
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Budget: EUR 156,880
Date posted: Aug 23, 2017

Attachments 5

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline



CRA Selection Procedure for Public Procurement entitled "Use of Geothermal Energy for the Development of the Municipality of Cazin - Exploratory Work"

Closing date 06/09/2017

The CRA announces a small-scale tender for the provision of services entitled " Use of geothermal energy for the development of the municipality of Cazin - reconnaissance work ".

The subject of the public contract is the implementation of a complex geophysical survey at the site "Rujnica" and the subsequent evaluation of the geothermal potential of this locality. Within the geophysical survey, a series of surface measurements will be carried out, based on their results, an optimal site for the construction of a hydrogeological borehole will be determined, which will be carried out, along with carotage measurements and pumping tests. As part of the pumping tests, the groundwater level will be monitored also in the nearby wells and in the nearby spa area "GATA". Samples will be taken to perform the required laboratory analyzes. On the basis of the obtained data, the numerical models of the energy balance of the area of interest will be processed and in the basic range specified scenarios of possible use. The selected scenario will then be elaborated in detail.

The contract will be executed according to the conditions specified in the tender documentation, which is to be downloaded under this link . The annexes to the tender dossier will be sent by e-mail upon request at and in a copy of .

The total maximum price for the implementation of this public contract is CZK 1,900,000 including VAT.

Tenders may be submitted personally to CRA (Czech Development Agency, Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1) on working days from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm for the entire deadline for submission of tenders stated in the tender dossier - on the last day of the deadline only to The end of the deadline for the submission of tenders, ie no later than 13:00 on 6 September 2017 .

Suppliers may also submit a bid to the address of the Contracting Authority by registered mail so that it is delivered within the time limit for submission of tenders.

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