Danish International Development Agency (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark)

Component 2 ESP3 Lessons Learnt Study and Dissemination Event - Indonesia

Last update: Jun 26, 2018 Last update: Jun 26, 2018


Category:Consulting services
Sectors:Energy, Environment & NRM
Contracting authority type:Development Institution
Budget: DKK 525,000
Date posted: Jul 20, 2017

Attachments 2

Associated Awards

Project cycle timeline



Restricted Procedure: Component 2 ESP3 Lessons Learnt Study and Dissemination Event - Indonesia

Deadline for applications: 2 August 2017, at 18:00, Danish time 

Indonesia and Denmark are cooperating through an Environmental Support Programme, with the current third programme phase (ESP3) running from 2013 to 2017. The overall ESP3 development objective is to support the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in reconciling economic growth with sustainable development through improved environmental management and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Component 2 (C2) of ESP3 provides support to Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of ESDM with the immediate objective of “energy efficiency, energy conservation and renewable energy policies affectively implemented with a focus on the local government level, and experiences from pilot projects used to strengthen national polities, strategies and climate change planning”.

Since the beginning of the programme, ESP3 has supported clean energy development in Indonesia through the empowerment of EBTKE at the national level and Bappeda and Dinas ESDM Central Java (CJ) at the provincial level. ESP3 has successfully implemented more than 20 activities ranging from studies and study tours to technical assistance and capacity building. The activities have been implemented under Component 2 of the ESP3, comprising five main outputs at national and provincial levels.

Along with other ESP3 components, C2 ESP3 is coming to an end by end of this year. A wide range of stakeholders has benefitted from the results of C2’s activities. The experience and the lessons learnt are valuable to other sector actors and could provide a platform for scaling up of renewable energy and energy efficiency
activities as well. To support this, ESP3 intends to review, identify, compile and create a ‘lessons learnt’ report to facilitate sharing with the sector stakeholders and the general public.

The lessons learnt will be relevant and useful to not only ESP3 stakeholders but also to other donor supported energy programmes and to Non-Government Organisations (NGOs). It is expected that the report may provide opportunity for discussion and reflexion that may facilitate learning by other stakeholders and be used as point of departure for new or add-on activities. To ensure the broadest possible outreach, it is planned to conduct a ‘lessons learnt’ dissemination event.

The objective of the consultancy is to review, identify, compile and analyse lessons learnt from C2 ESP3 activities since the beginning of the current phase of the programme in January 2013. Further, the consultant shall plan, prepare and execute a one-day dissemination event to present and discuss the lessons learnt identified in the study as well as other relevant achievements by C2 ESP3.

The outputs to be produced under the assignment will include:

Output 1. 'Lessons learnt' study report

Output 2. 'Lessons learnt' database and promotional tools such as factsheets, infographics and videos

Output 3. A one-day dissemination/discussion event conducted

Output 4. Report of the dissemination event

A team of three experts is required for the assignment, with a total input of around 1,000 man-hours and a maximum budget of DKK 525,000 including fees and all reimbursable expenses. The expected consultancy duration is three and half months, starting early September 2017.

Deadline for applications: 2 August 2017, at 18:00, Danish time

The standard application form should be used. Applications not using the standard form may be rejected. Applications received after the deadline shall be rejected.

Contact point:
Name of Programme Officer: Emil Salim     
E-mail address, Programme Officer: rdetender@um.dk           
Telephone of Programme Officer: +62 (21) 576 1478      

Criteria for selection: A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender

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