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RFP for Hiring a CA Firm as Financial Management Technical Support (Accounting) Consultants (FMTSC) for project namely “Tripura Rural Economic Growth and Service Delivery Project (TRESP)” under Society for TRESP, Tribal Welfare Department, Govt. of Tripura.
Tender ID: 2023_WBTWD_45270_1
(Tender Ref. No. IN-TWD-383596-CS-QCBS)
Client: Society for TRESP, Tribal Welfare Department, Government of Tripura
Country: India
Project: Tripura Rural Economic Growth & Service Delivery Project (TRESP)
Issued on: 26th December, 2023
Last Date of submission of the RFP: 30th January, 2024 at 15:00 hours (IST).
Online portal for Submission of RFP:
Date of Pre Bid Meeting: 03.01.2024 Time: 11.30 A.M.
The weblink for the virtual pre-proposal conference is as follows –
1. Background Information
The Society for TRESP under Tribal Welfare Department (TWD), being the nodal implementing agency of Tripura Rural Economic Growth and Service Delivery Project (TRESP), with financing from the World Bank, is in the process of building a core project team for TRESP.
Project Implementation
A broad implementation set-up envisaged for the project is described below:
Society for TRESP has established an integrated Project Management Unit (PMU) in the Society for TRESP to provide inter-departmental coordination; regular monitoring; back-end services in procurement and financial management. Project Implementation Units (PIUs) have already been notified in the participating line departments: Directorate of Agriculture/ Directorate of Horticulture, Directorate of Information Technology (DoIT), Animal Resources Development Department (ARDD), Department of Education (DoE), Public Works Department (PWD), Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM) and Directorate of Fisheries (DoF) with technical, fiduciary and safeguards staff in each of the PIUs.
Accounting System
A common financial management system for the whole project has been designed and a computerized financial management system is to be developed for the Project in appropriate Modified versions. The financial management system is documented in a Project Financial Management Manual. The Financial Management Manual inter-alia covers flow of funds, financial and accounting policies, accounting systems including internal controls, planning and budgeting system, procurement and financial reporting system. FMTSC will help to update the Financial Management (FM) Manual when required. The computerized financial management would be operated at PMU & PIUs.
2. Specific objectives of the Consultancy
To strengthen the FM system in PIUs and ensure that all the financial management aspects of the project are satisfactorily handled. The consulting firm would provide the required technical support to the project accounts staff, to ensure that the service standards for financial management activities indicated in the Project Financial Management Manual are met.
To provide training to the project accounts staff in improved financial management practices; and develop their skills for operating the improved computerized project financial management system.
3. Scope of Services
The main focus of the services would be to provide the necessary operational and technical support to the project financial staff to ensure that the above objectives are achieved. The scope of services to achieve these objectives and the required outputs are given below. The FMTSC would work in close collaboration with the staff of the project implementing offices and be responsible to ensure the followings -
That the overall operation of the project financial management system in the PIUs are satisfactory. This shall include (a) FMTSC will facilitate in installation, customization and its operational including training etc. (b) the services standards, for financial management aspects indicated in the Project Financial Management Manual are met. Accounting books and records are up-to date and satisfactorily maintained; (c) flow of funds to the various offices at the district level is smooth; (d) financial policies and procedures outlined in the Project Financial Management Manual are adhered to: (e) internal control system, including aspects such as internal checks, reconciliation, verification of assets, etc, is satisfactory and commensurate with the size and scope of the project.
That the monthly Interim Unaudited Financial Report (IUFR) as outlined in the time schedule are prepared based on the actual expenditure incurred on a timely basis and submitted to the PMU after reconciling with the parent bank eFMS systems.
That the Annual Project Financial Statements are prepared immediately after the closure of the financial year and submit to the PMU.
Assist the project in liaising with and providing necessary information to the internal and external auditors. The Consulting Firm would assist the project in follow up and take necessary action based on the audit reports, review reports and Management Letter.
Make recommendations for continuous improvements and updates to the financial management system, outlined in the Project Financial Management Manual based on implementation experience to enable the updating of the Manual as required.
That the financial management system is operated satisfactorily as to enable generation of financial monitoring reports (IUFR's) as per the formats approved by the World Bank in FM Manual.
Develop the capabilities of the project staff at PIUs on project financial management aspects by providing continuous training and technical support to project financial staff.
Co-ordinate with all the accounting centers for timely submission of the expenditure and other financial reports and facilitate the PIUs’ accounts staff in compilation of the Accounts as received from all the locations and also complete Activity/ component-wise expenditure and consolidate the same at PIU and submit to the PMU the consolidated IUFRs on or before 10th of the following month. FMTSC should also ensure that the IUFR submitted to the PMU is prepared on the basis of actual expenditures incurred by the accounting centers.
Carry out the following assignments:
Streamline the Financial Management System w.r.t. the Financial Management Manual and ensure smooth flow of funds to all accounting centers.
The Consulting Firm should also ensure the timely compliance of the statutoryprovisions applicable on the project.
Facilitate the accounting software developer to customize the software as per the project needs.
Facilitate the storage of appropriate accounting software data at PMU and PIUs level in the form of CD, external Hard Disk.
Any other work assigned by the Project Director, Society for TRESP.
The scope of services could be modified based on mutual agreement between the client and the consulting firm with a view to better achieve the overall objectives.
4. Outputs to be provided by the Consulting Firm
Consolidated IUFRs at PMU level.
PIU-wise IUFRs.
Project Financial Management Reports at PIU.
Annual Project Financial Statements.
Compliances to the Internal & Statutory Audit Reports.
Soft copy of the accounts in Compact Disk/ Hard Disk to PMU at the end of the contract.
One set of final printout will have to be provided at each PIU and consolidated hard copies of FM reports to be provided at PMU.
Duration of the Contract
The contract will be for 1 year. The Project’s needs and available budget will further determine the extension of the contract.
The contract may however be terminated at any point of time during the contract period with two months’ notice by either party.
Location of the Assignment
The Consulting Firm shall deploy its team in the premises of the Society for TRESP PMU Office/ PIUs’ Offices at Agartala for day-to-day work & coordination with the Society for TRESP.
The Bidders shall submit the Request for Proposal (RFP) through e-Procurement Portal of Government of Tripura ( by 30th January, 2024 at 15:00 hours (IST).
Detailed RFP notice and documents can be obtained from