PIFEVA - Pilier aux Femmes Vulnérables Actives en RD Congo

PIFEVA - Pilier aux Femmes Vulnérables Actives en RD Congo

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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Dem. Rep. Congo
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:EC, Other, UN Women
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Other, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (HQ)
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Gender, Human Rights, Povert ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Gender, Human Rights, Poverty Reduction
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


PIFEVA (Pillar to Vulnerable Women Active in DR Congo) - Congolese NGO founded in 2004 in Bukavu and specialized in the promotion of gender equality and women's leadership, protection, socio-professional reintegration and economic status of women and children in vulnerable situations and in supporting local communities in conflict transformation, in a struggle prospects against poverty and injustice in South Kivu in eastern DR Congo.

As part of its project to support the political participation of women in decision making bodies in the territory of Shabunda in South Kivu, funded by the Congolese women Fund in 2015, PIFEVA accompanied 135 women leaders reinforced capacity through training workshops on gender in Shabunda leadership, the electoral process, citizenship and good governance. Through that project, PIFEVA sensitized customary chiefs and local people to support women candidates in the next provincial and local elections in the territory of Shabunda in South Kivu.

As part of its child protection project of the street and victims of sexual violence in Bukavu, funded by ICCO-Cooperation in 2015, PIFEVA has set up a center for protection and socio-professional reintegration of children at risk, through which 547 street children and child victims of sexual violence received special protection and family and social reintegration (family mediation) and academic and professional reintegration in the city of Bukavu.

In the end, through its project to support the promotion of peaceful mechanisms for conflict transformation in the territory of Kalehe and the Ruzizi plain in South Kivu, also funded by ICCO-Cooperation in 2015, PIFEVA set up and strengthen capacity of 4 local peace committees in Kalehe center, Bunyakiri and Minova in Kalehe territory and to Kamanyola in the Ruzizi plain, through which 611 people (212 women, 67 children, 173 young people and 159 displaced / returned) victims of land disputes, have access to peaceful settlement mechanisms candied and are accompanied in obtaining land titles in the territory of Kalehe and the Ruzizi plain in South Kivu.


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