Partnership Action for Community Empowerment

Partnership Action for Community Empowerment

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Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
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Legal residence:Sierra Leone
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:EC, Other, UNICEF, UNHCR
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Other, United Nations Children's Fund (HQ), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (HQ)
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Food Security, Gender, Human ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Food Security, Gender, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Livestock (incl. animal/bird production & health), Poverty Reduction, Rural Development, Social Development, Water & Sanitation
Nr. of employees:11-50
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Partnership Action for Community Empowerment

Integrated Multi-Sectoral Approach to Community Development

108 Bo-Kenema Highway, Bo, Southern Province, Sierra Leone Phone: 076624213/653658 E-mail: Web :


1.         General


Partnership Action for Community Empowerment (PACE) evolved from GTZ-International Services (GTZ-IS) and was established as a National Non-Governmental Organization in April 2003. PACE works with local communities at the grassroots level by assisting them to identify and utilize local solutions to the challenges of a post-war society.

Between 2003 and 2010, PACE worked in war-ravaged communities in Kono, Kailahun, Kenema, Kambia, Bonthe, Moyamba, Pujehun, Port Loko and Tonkolili Districts. It designed and implemented community based and community driven projects which created remarkable impact on the lives of war affected communities. PACE’s activities also created a pull-factor which was necessary for the resettlement and the reintegration process of the internally and externally displaced population after the war.


2.         Mission and Vision Statements and Objectives:


a) MissionTo contribute to an improved standard of living for the rural poor of Sierra Leone on a sustainable basis by enhancing their environment and self-help capacities.


b) PACE’s vision is: A vibrant Sierra Leone where the rural poor and marginalized have unhindered access to basic amenities like Health, Education, Food Security and Nutrition, leading to a dignified standard of living, in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and social cohesiveness at all time. 


            PACE’s Objectives are:

1.       To assist and empower grass root community members to identify their needs, plan strategies to address such needs and help mobilize resources to undertake meaningful development projects with the aim of improving their quality of life.

2.       To organize training sessions in the form of workshops and seminars and capacity/institutional  training for staff and members or grass root organizations  such as CBOs in order to improve their capacity building potential

3.       To promote the capacity of health workers in all districts including western area to provide equitable and quality integrated management of severe acute malnutrition services to children under the age of five with focus on hard to reach communities in Sierra Leone.

4.       To promote, support and facilitate effective Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes in schools, health facilities and in communities in order to sustain sound hygiene behavior change among school children and their communities.

5.       To promote change in the attitudes and knowledge of communities in order to prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAW/G)

6.       To promote diversified agricultural activities in order to attain food self-sufficiency, increase marketable agricultural production and create employment opportunities for rural youths. 


3.        Main Partners


PACE has partnered with, and implemented projects funded by the following organizations/agencies:


·         UNICEF – to promote Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Child Health and Nutrition Programmes in Pujehun, Bonthe and Tonkolili districts

·         UNICEF – to promote Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) activities in Kono, Kailahun, Pujehun and Kenema districts

·         UNICEF – to promote Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and Safe Water Provision in Peripheral Health Units (PHU) and Open Defecation Free (ODF) communities in Pujehun and Kenema districts.

·         UNICEF – to promote HIV/AIDS Programme in Pujehun district

·         CARE-SL – staff and community training in marketing (IGA) and project proposal writing in Bo, Moyamba and Tonkolili districts.

·         UNHCR/GTZ-IS – Community Empowerment Project (CEP) in Kono and Kailahun districts.

·         DFID/GTZ-IS– Socio Economic Recovery of Severely War Affected Communities in Kailahun, Pujehun, Kambia and Moyamba districts.

·         EU/NaCSA – Linking Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Development in Port Loko and Tonkolili districts.


4.         Milestones/Achievements


Since its inception, the following are among the achievements PACE has made:


·         Promoted Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) activities in 40 primary schools in Kono, Kailahun, Pujehun and Kenema districts

·         Promoted Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)(300 communities out of which 210 achieved Open Defecation Free (ODF) status)and Safe Water Provision in Peripheral Health Units (PHU)(20 PHUs) in Pujehun and Kenema districts.

·         Designed and implemented agricultural production programmes aimed at linking ex-combatants with resettlement, rehabilitation and development.

·         Trained 240 ex-combatants and community youths in Sandaru, Penguia chiefdom, Kailahun district in various training and production skills including agriculture, carpentry, masonry, metal works and soap making.

·         Established School Youth Clubs and trained school pupils in life skills in various chiefdoms in Kono and Kailahun districts as part of the peace and reconciliation process.

·         Designed strategies and implemented activities to promote awareness on the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS in communities in the eastern and northern regions of Sierra Leone.

·         Trained 80 ex-combatants and community youths in various vocational skills and supported to own and work in ‘’production centers’’ alongside local community artisans in Manowa, Peje Bongre chiefdom and Woloma, Penguia chiefdom, both in the Kailahun district.

·         Designed and produced training modules and manuals in leadership skills, and provided training for women, children and youth groups in non-violent conflict resolution skills and community-based peace building strategies.

·         Organized youth reintegration shows in five chiefdoms in the Kailahun district.

·         Trained 130 women’s group leaders in Luawa chiefdom, Kailahun district.

·         Reactivated and trained Village Development Committees (VDCs) and Project Management Committees (PMCs) in project cycle management, monitoring, planning, store management and basic bookkeeping skills in 5 chiefdoms in Kono and 10 chiefdoms in Kailahun districts.

·         Reactivated and trained Gender and Child Welfare Committees in various chiefdoms in Kono and Kailahun districts to take the lead in gender promotion and child protection issues at chiefdom and community levels.

·         Organized and worked with 8 school-based and 8 community-based youth groups in Freetown.

·         Trained 35 CARE-SL staff and 300 community project participants each on Marketing (Income Generating Activity – IGA) and Simple Project Proposal Writing.


4.         Technical Capacity


            The arms of the organization that has contributed to the success of PACE are:


1.       The Administrative, Finance and Human Resource Unit – responsible for financial, administrative and personnel management.

2.       The Agriculture and Food Security Unit – responsible for implementing IVS rehabilitation/development, livestock restocking, tree crops rehabilitation, aquaculture and agriculture and food security programmes.

3.       The WATSAN, Public Health and Hygiene Promotion Unit – responsible for rehabilitation/construction of community water and sanitation facilities and promoting health and environmental education programmes.

4.       The Construction/Rehabilitation Unit–responsible for rehabilitation/construction of schools, court barays, community centers, stores and drying floors and other rural infrastructures.

5.       The Gender and Child Protection Unit – responsible for women and youth empowerment to ensure full participation of these marginalized groups in community development programmes.

6.       The Income Generation and Vocational Training Unit – responsible for micro-enterprise development and skills training activities.

7.       The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit – responsible for field programme supervision, and transparent utilization of donor funds and community resources.


8.         Contact/Mailing (physical) addresses:

108, Bo/Kenema Highway, Bo City                  

Telephone number: +232 76 624213





1, Mattia Lane

Jah Section,



124, Mattru/Bo Road

Mattru Jong


Contact persons:

Mr. Patrick Sannoh

Programme Manager/Director

Telephone/Mobile/email:          +232 76 624213                       email:


Mrs. Marie Mansaray

Senior Project Coordinator

Telephone/Mobile/email:          +232 76 653658                       email:



Mr. Juana Kanyako

M & E Manager

Telephone/Mobile/email : +23278565055                                     Email

                                                                                                        Skype : Juana.kanyako1

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