ELES Company (Energy System Education Center)

ELES Company (Energy System Education Center)

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 1
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 24
Last update: Dec 6, 2024 Last update: Dec 6, 2024
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Slovenia
Organization type:Engineering firm
Funding agencies:Other, Horizon Europe
Other, Horizon Europe (2021 - 2027)
Sectors:Education, Energy, Research
Education, Energy, Research
Nr. of employees:501-1000
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


The ELES Company ensures the safe, reliable and uninterrupted transmission of electricity. ELES is the guardian of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system, which is closely connected to the transmission networks of neighbouring countries and integrated into the European energy system.

Our responsibility is that electricity is always at hand, ensuring the consumers can meet their needs and wishes at any time.We believe that responsibility, engagement, knowledge, reliability, cooperation and determination are the key to success of each and everyone and of the ELES Company. By adhering to these values, the company can successfully fulfil its mission and implement its vision of being the leading company in the Slovene electric power system and becoming a key element in the energetic stability of the region featuring one of the most modern networks from the technological point of view.The ELES Group consists of the controlling company ELES, d.o.o., and the subsidiary companies TALUM, d.d., Stelkom, d.o.o., and Operato d.o.o. The TALUM Company from Kidričevo produces primary aluminium and premium-quality aluminium products. The Stelkom Company from Trzin enables all Slovenian and international telecommunication operators a high availability and reliability of communication services and the use of advanced technologies. Operato offers smart solutions for power system operators. SUMO dynamically calculates the thermal ratings of power lines and transformers based on atmospheric conditions, thus optimizing the transmission capacities and improving operation security.


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