HSHC - Help Self Help Centre

HSHC - Help Self Help Centre

Jobs 0
Shortlists/Awards 11
Pricing strategy 0
Partners/Competitors 1
Last update: Jan 26, 2025 Last update: Jan 26, 2025
Pricing strategy


Legal residence:Kenya
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:IKI, DANIDA, SIDA, WB, Other
International Climate Initiative, Danish International Development Agency (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark), Swedish International Development Agency, World Bank HQ, Other
Sectors:Agriculture, Other, Training
Agriculture, Other, Training
Nr. of employees:2-10
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


HSHC, a local Kenyan NGO, believes that all people have the right to live their life in dignity where they can use their capacities to meet their basic needs.

Entrepreneurship is the motor of development. Small businesses provide a livelihood to the owner and as businesses grow they create employment opportunities for others.

This is why HSHC support individuals and community groups in business development.
Working in a rural area where the majority of the population depends on small-scale farming, HSHC focuses on promoting agri-businesses.
Its geographical focus is the Mt. Kenya region, but HSHC also works in other areas where its expertise is needed.

Our view is that farms are more than a plot of land where food is grown, they are businesses! By training farmers in entrepreneurship, they get insight in how to improve the profitability of their farm. We promote local processing of raw materials so that value is added and farmers receive a better price for their products. Our sunflower oil project is a successful example of this.

But we don’t only focus on better markets for the farmer’s products, we also strengthen business services at the start of the chain: HSHC helps farmers in accessing high quality seeds and through its extension services farmers are trained in the latest sustainable agricultural practices. HSHC will continue its valuable work in the fields of value chain development and business development services so as to create a vibrant rural economy where poverty is history.


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