Plan International

Plan International

Jobs 143
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Partners/Competitors 0
Last update: Dec 11, 2024 Last update: Dec 11, 2024
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Legal residence:Egypt
Organization type:NGO
Funding agencies:Other
Sectors:Civil Society & NGOs, Education, Gender, Health, H ...
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Civil Society & NGOs, Education, Gender, Health, Human Rights
Nr. of employees:501-1000
Linked entities:Plan International Romania, Plan International Laos, Plan International (Moldova), Plan International Poland, Plan International Somalia, Plan International, Plan International Somaliland, Plan International Burundi, Plan International, Plan International Pacific, Plan International Solomon Islands Trust Board, Plan International - Lebanon, Plan International Sri Lanka, Plan International Liberia, Plan International Italia, Plan International (Mali), Plan International (South Sudan), Plan International (Zambia), Plan International Switzerland, Plan International, Plan International (Togo), Plan International Nigeria, Plan International Japan, Plan International Ethiopia, Plan international Tanzania, Plan International Nepal, Plan International (Mozambique), Plan International (Benin), Plan International (Malawi), Plan International France, Plan International CAR, Plan International Inc. Shaanxi Representative Office, Plan International Timor-Leste, Plan International Hong Kong, Plan International Rwanda, Plan International Burkina Faso, Plan International Guinea-Bissau, Plan International, Plan International (Zimbabwe), Plan International Ghana, Plan International - Pakistan, Plan International Philippines, Plan International - Guinea, Plan international (Vietnam), Plan international (Paraguay), Plan international (Honduras), Plan international (Peru), Plan International (El Salvador), Plan international Colombia, Plan International (Nicaragua), Plan International (Guatemala), Plan International (Ecuador), Plan International (Brazil), Plan International (Bolivia), Plan International Thailand, Plan International Dominican Republic, Plan International Indonesia, Plan International Bangladesh, Plan International (India Chapter), Plan International (Spain), Plan International Ireland, Plan International (Cambodia), Plan International former BØRNEfonden, Plan International (Uganda), Plan International Niger, Plan International, Sudan, Plan International Kenya, Plan International, Senegal, Plan International Haiti, Plan International USA, Plan International (Canada), Plan International Cameroon, Plan International (Sierra Leone), PLAN International (Belgium), Plan International, Plan International Sverige Insamlingsstiftelse, Plan International Deutschland e.V., Plan International Nederland, Plan International Australia
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Plan International has been working in Egypt since 1981 following an agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.

Our mission is to support children and young people to realise their full potential by addressing issues relating to gender, education, employment, protection and social cohesion.

We work in 10 governorates, 2 of which are urban (Cairo and Alexandria) and 8 of which are rural (Sharkaya, Giza, Beheira, Damietta, Qalyoubya, Assuit, Quena and Sohag).

Plan International Egypt’s priorities include:

  • Improving the quality of education and early childhood development
  • Enhancing the economic empowerment of youth
  • Boosting gender equity and improving reproductive health for girls
  • Creating a safe environment for children and supporting positive parenting
  • Empowering girls and young women to take leading roles and make positive changes in their communities.

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