GEF Small Grants Programme offers millions of dollars to address environmental issues

By Susanna Gevorgyan

GEF Small Grants Programme offers millions of dollars to address environmental issues

US$27.4 million was granted to 839 projects in 2019-2020 within the Small Grants Programme (SGP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), according to the program’s report. Meant for community-led initiatives addressing global environmental issues, GEF SGP is implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and provides small grants of about US$25,000-50,000 to community-based and non-governmental organizations.

Most grant beneficiaries implemented projects related to biodiversity, climate change mitigation, community-based adaptation, land degradation, sustainable forest management, international waters, chemicals, multifocal area, and capacity development. Hereinafter, we present a number of the GEF SGP funding projects planned to start in 2021.

Small grants available for biodiversity protection and sustainable forest management


Long Term Sustainable Management Scheme for Taro Patches in Ngaraard State

Taro Field. Source:

The grant program aims to improve general well-being in Choll, Palau, by founding a community-derived Demok Stock Processing and Marketing Cooperative. Other benefits of the program include environmental protection and taro patch restoration, accessibility improvement by developing the local infrastructure. Overall, the program relates to the sustainable usage of natural products through the production and trade of healthy traditional food. Women are the main beneficiaries of the program which is planned to start in 2021. The grant offered for the program is US$ 50,000.



Maintaining Biodiversity and Forest Conservation through Livelihood Security 

Forest management. Source:

The program is designed to deliver a series of training for 195 young Ethiopians who will be grouped according to their interests in preservation, gender parity, ecotourism, low-cost house, and energy-efficient stoves construction. Within the context of the program, the organizers plan to conduct analyses to identify biodiversity resources, as well as to supply molds and other locally non-available inputs essential for the construction

Grants designed for community-based climate change mitigation projects

A collaborative effort, between agriculture students and farmers to increase farm resilience against water deficit, during the dry season


Farming activities. Source:

Designed to start in 2021 in Seychelles with the overall grant amount of US$ 45,000.00, the program aims to deliver training for SIAH students on topics such as water conservation techniques and field applications. Besides, the program plans to engage students in farming activities in collaboration with local farmers. After the completion, students will receive referential documents designed to be used in the future for employment. The program will take place in areas known to be impacted by water deficits. Farmers in the context of the project will receive irrigation tools such as containers with water and connections intended for water distribution.



Access to Sustainable Energy Using Solar Mini-Grid for Ijaiye Community in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

Solar Mini-grid. Source:

The program intends to decrease the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from energy production at the same time by improving the well-being and livelihood of locals in the Ijaye Community. Within the program, a 20 kW Solar Mini-grid capacity will be installed in Ijaye to supply constant electricity to the community. Furthermore, the organizers also plan to work with public establishments in Oyo State, aiming to promote the use of renewable energy-based mini-grid capacities in rural areas. The program is scheduled to start in 2021 in Nigeria with a total grant amount of US$50,000.

Project covering area of work such as international waters

Piloting Community-Based Adaptation Models in Xe-Champhone Wetland Complex and Improving Community Resilience


Wetland. Source:

The Xe Champhone Wetlands in LAO is located in Savannakhet province. With the area covering 12,400 hectares, the wetlands support the livelihood of 20.000 locals, residing in more than 40 villages. It supplies habitats with fish and livestock grazing, and locals cultivate rice in and all around the wetlands. However, communities here are suffering from floods or drought every year. Therefore, the program, planned to start in 2021, aims to support lowland communities, including women and ethnic groups, to design and apply local adaptation approaches. The organizers plan to collaborate with public institutions to advance the resilience of remote ethnic women, their families, and communities through capacity-building activities. The program grant is limited to US$ 25,000.