The Official Development Assistance (ODA) provided in 2018 by the 30 members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) totaled US$153.3 billion. The ODA was distributed among 155 recipient countries, passing through various and complex procedures and mechanisms in the donor countries. In today’s article we present you with the TOP-10 recipients of ODA in 2018 – both the countries and the donors who supported them.
DAC defines the Official Development Assistance – ODA – as aid that is contributed by governments to support and address the economic development and welfare of developing countries. The list of the countries that receive ODA is comprehensive. It includes all the low- and middle-income countries based on gross national income per capita data provided by the World Bank. The list also includes all of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as defined by the United Nations (UN).
Blitz facts about the TOP-10 ODA countries, recipients of ODA provided by the DAC countries:
- Altogether, the countries benefited from US$20.7 billion which is 14% of the total ODA volume disbursed by the DAC countries in 2018;
- Three countries are Least Developed, five countries are Lower Middle-Income countries and two countries are Upper Middle-Income countries;
- Geographically, three of the TOP-10 recipient countries were situated in the Sub-Saharan Africa, another three states were in the Middle East, another three were from the South-Asian region and one country was from the South-American region;
- Six of the ten countries encountered a drop of ODA funding volume commitments in 2018, compared to 2017. Another three countries benefited from a 2 to 5% higher ODA volume. One country recorded a 120% higher ODA volume in 2018;
- All the countries among the TOP-10 recipients benefited from more than US$1 billion of ODA, with five of them receiving more than US$2 billion in 2018;
- In 2018, South Sudan and Vietnam dropped out of the TOP-10 countries, being replaced by Kenya and Colombia.
In 2018, the DAC donor countries committed almost US$2.7 billion towards the development of Afghanistan, this amount being 6% lower compared to 2017. The largest donor to Afghanistan was the United States of America with almost US$920 million. Germany provided US$438 million while the United Kingdom closed the TOP-3 donors to Afghanistan with US$331 million. You can find the funding opportunities for this country by following this link.
Syrian Arab Republic
Since 2009, the volume of ODA provided to Syria has grown from US$62 million to US$2.5 billion although, compared to 2017, the volume of ODA aid provided by the DAC countries dropped by 2.5%. Germany was the largest aid provider for Syria in 2018 with over US$760 million. The United States of America provided almost US$695 million while the United Kingdom closed the TOP-3 with US$308 million. All the funding opportunities related to Syria are available at this link.
The evolution of ODA aid provided to this least-developed country has grown by almost three times since 2009 with a slight decrease in the 2014 – 2016 period. Japan is the donor that provided 50% of ODA in 2018 – almost US$1.2 billion. The United States and the United Kingdom provided US$325 and US$253 million of ODA to Bangladesh in 2018. The latest funding opportunities available for this country can be found on the DevelopmentAid platform.
Of the total volume of US$2.2 billion provided by the DAC countries to India in 2018, Japan, France and Germany were the countries which provided 85% or US$1.9 billion. The volume of ODA aid received by the country dropped by 12% in 2018 compared to 2017. The funding opportunities for companies working with India are regularly updated on the DevelopmentAid web-site.
The country from Sub-Saharan Africa region benefited from less ODA from the DAC countries in 2018, compared to 2017. The amount dropped by 7% to US$2.0 billion. The United States were the donor with the most significant ODA volume provided to Ethiopia in 2018 – over US$820 million. The United Kingdom allocated almost a half of this amount – US$402 million while Germany provided a little less than US$180 million. All the funding opportunities regarding development activities in Ethiopia available on the DevelopmentAid platform.
The country from the Middle East region with a population of 11 million has benefited from US$ 1.9 billion ODA from the DAC countries in 2018. The United States provided almost 60% of this amount – US$1.1 billion. Germany and the United Kingdom contributed US$331 million and US$184 million. Jordan can be found in the latest funding opportunities on by following this link.
After receiving a record high amount of ODA for the last five years in 2017 (US$2.2 billion), the year 2018 was marked by a 14% decrease of Official Development Assistance from the DAC countries to Iraq. The country received US$1.9 billion, out of which the United States, Germany and Japan provided 78% – US$555 million, US$502 million and US$474 million respectively. The funding opportunities for Iraq are updated daily on
With only a slight decrease of 1% Official Development Assistance provided to this African country remained at almost the same level as in 2017 – US$1.7 billion. The United States (US$841 million), the United Kingdom (US$395 million) and Germany (US$240 million) ranked as the TOP-3 by the largest amounts of ODA provided among the DAC countries this country in 2018. The funding opportunities for projects in Nigeria are currently listed on
The only American country among the TOP-10 recipients of ODA in 2018 benefited from US$1.6 billion assistance. This amount had increased by 120% (!) compared to the US$738 million in 2017. The main reason for such a spectacular increase was a three-fold growth of ODA disbursed by Germany – US$516 million (US$156 million in 2017) and France – US$438 million (in 2017 Colombia returned the loans to France registering a negative balance of US$ -16 million). The United States of America was the third largest DAC donor with US$339 million of ODA provided to Colombia. All the funding opportunities regarding Colombia can be analyzed on DevelopmentAid platform today.
The third African country among the TOP-10 ODA recipients in the 2018 list was provided with US$1.5 billion assistance from the 30 DAC countries. Over 53% of this amount was provided by the United States – around US$829 million. The United Kingdom contributed US$154 million while Japan was the third largest donor with US$138 million of ODA provided to Kenya. The efforts of the international development community in Kenya can be traced by analyzing the funding opportunities for this country.
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