ADB to support the enforcement of Mongolia's gender equality law

ADB to support the enforcement of Mongolia's gender equality law

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Mongolia signed a $500,000 technical assistance (TA) program to help civil society organizations (CSOs) implement gender equality programs at a national, sector, and local levels in Mongolia.

“This technical assistance is ADB’s third standalone project promoting gender equality in Mongolia that is financed by the Government of Japan through the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction,” said Mr. Magee. “It is closely aligned with one of the key operational priorities of ADB’s Strategy 2030—to accelerate progress in gender equality.”

The technical assistance on Moving Gender Equality Forward Through Civil Society Engagement will extend ADB’s collaboration with CSOs nationwide through focused training programs and innovative, pro-poor, socially inclusive, and gender-responsive “learning-by-doing” approaches.

The project will build on previous ADB support to ensure the practical application of the policy documents on gender equality at a national, sector, and local levels, while fostering the sustainability of the policies. It will also complement ongoing regional technical assistance for deepening civil society engagement for development effectiveness.

ADB has actively engaged with the National Committee on Gender Equality of Mongolia since 2009, including by supporting the design and adoption of the country’s gender equality law, as well as capacity building for effective law enforcement.

Original source: ADB
Published on 19 July 2019