Expand your international network at the International Forum on African Digital Potential

Expand your international network at the International Forum on African Digital Potential

African and Canadian IT industry stakeholders will meet at the International Forum on African Digital Potential to be held in Montreal, Canada, on the 15th-16th of October 2018. DevelopmentAid delegates will exhibit and facilitate a workshop during the event.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer significant business and partnership development opportunities for African and Canadian entrepreneurs. To provide an exchange and a technological platform to actors of economic and entrepreneurial development involved in the African digital turn, Consultation Contacts Monde organizes the SITIC (Le Salon International des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) Africa-Canada Forum on The African Digital Potential.

The main objective of SITIC Africa-Canada is to participate in the construction of a collaborative corridor between Africa and Canada while showcasing opportunities for innovation in Africa’s ICT sector and promoting skilled and talented ICT’s workforce of which the African continent abounds.

450 participants from Canada and Africa will meet and participate in 10 panels covering topics ranging from the Traction of International Talent in the Digital Era to African Technology Revolution. The forum is an excellent opportunity for all companies interested in looking for new customers, especially from Africa, as several African delegations will travel to Montreal to meet with IT companies, institutions, and industry associations. As part of the forum, DevelopmentAid Business Development Director Sergiu Casu will conduct a workshop on International Calls for Tenders.

SITIC Africa 2018 is a continuation of the fruitful event held in April 2018 in Tunis which provided avenues for 24 Canadian enterprises and institutions to meet African companies, institutions, and decision-makers in ICT.

Register for the International Forum on African Digital Potential here.


SITIC Africa-Canada is organized by Contacts Monde, in collaboration with Mangrove MTL, Global Affairs Canada & Export Quebec. Contacts Monde is an international trade and development consulting firm, which specializes in consulting services, exports development strategies and training related to trade and international development for public and private institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.