Armenia starts to implement the EFSD’s first grant project

Armenia starts to implement the EFSD’s first grant project

The Republic of Armenia has complied with the conditions precedent of a US $1 million Grant Agreement to be funded by the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD). The grant will finance the purchase of medical equipment for the early detection of breast cancer.

Equipment will be supplied to health care facilities in three Armenian regions – Lori, Syunik and Tavush marzes – as part of the project titled “Improving prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in primary health care.” The respective agreement between the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), as the EFSD Resources Manager, and the Government of Armenia was signed on 3 April 2018. In August, the Cabinet approved the draft presidential decree on grant disbursement. On 14 September, the Ministry of Health adopted the plan for the procurement of medical equipment. Purchases will start before the end of 2018.

In addition, the project will launch an online continuing education programme for health professionals, including doctors from remote regions.

Original source: EDB
Published on 24 September 2018