GGGI-Bataan collaboration on a 50-MW solar farm explored

GGGI-Bataan collaboration on a 50-MW solar farm explored

Building on its current initiative under the GGGI-National and Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) project on “Mainstreaming Green Growth in Development Planning,” GGGI Director-General Dr. Frank Rijsberman met with Bataan Provincial Governor Albert Garcia and other provincial officers along with key stakeholders such as the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan and the Peninsula Electric Cooperative Inc. to discuss the feasibility of collaborating on a 50-MW solar farm.

While Bataan enjoys cheaper power costs compared to many provinces in the country, it remains a host to a few oil refineries and coal-fired power plants. However, Bataan recognizes the continuing innovations in renewable energy (RE) technologies particularly, solar, and the importance of increasing RE uptake to support its long-term plan to make the province carbon neutral.

Central Luzon, which includes Bataan, has good solar energy potential. The proposed 50-MW could be an addition to the three pre-existing solar farms with a total estimated installed capacity of 37-MW. The proposed project also aligns with Region 3’s development strategy to increase the supply of clean and renewable energy under its accelerating infrastructure development agenda. In the long run, it aims to contribute to the attainment of the Philippine medium-term goal and lay foundations for inclusive growth, high trust society, and globally competitive knowledge economy.

Three potential sites for the 50-MW solar farm in Pilar, Dinalupihan, and Bagac were visited. The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer, Mr. Victor Ubaldo and representatives from the Provincial Assessor’s Office accompanied GGGI to the proposed site in the Municipality of Pilar last April 28, 2018.

The conduct of a feasibility study will be supported by GGGI as part of the organization’s commitment to assist Bataan achieve its targets of reducing carbon emissions while achieving socio-economic development. GGGI Country Representative to the Philippines, Mr. Suki Atwal, expressed that GGGI’s support to Bataan will also come in matching financing or investments to help construct the solar farm.

About the Project

The Mainstreaming Green Growth in Development Planning Project provides support to NEDA, as the lead planning agency in the localization of the Long Term Vision 2040 by mainstreaming green growth in national and local development plans, and enhancing the capacity of LGUs in development planning using green growth lens. The overall objective is to promote climate resilience and inclusive growth through the institutionalization of green growth tools and guidelines in the national and local development planning processes of the country. The project has 3 components: a) Preparation of a Green Growth Toolkit for Development Planning; b) Capacity Building; and c) Pilot-Testing of the Green Growth Toolkit for development planning in the selected sectoral or thematic plans of the pilot LGUs (Bataan and Dinagat Islands) and NGA (DTI-BSMED).

Original source: GGGI
Published on 22 May 2018