The environmental impact of rerouting water from California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | Experts’ Opinions

By Experts Opinions

The environmental impact of rerouting water from California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta | Experts’ Opinions

One of the many controversial decisions made by the Trump administration in its first days in the White House was the order to reroute water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California to other parts of the state. The document, entitled “Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California”, ordered an “immediate restart” of the Trump administration’s previous attempts to route water to Southern California. However, during his first term, Trump’s orders were successfully challenged by the state of California and environmental groups who argued that the ruling failed to provide adequate protection for endangered fish. Today, experts warn that prioritizing the water requirements of humans over environmental protection could still have major and lasting ecological consequences and that a more sustainable water management approach is essential to balance human needs with the preservation of the delta’s natural habitats. How might the re-implementation of the Trump administration’s plan impact the broader environmental balance? Check out the article below.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to experts, the reduction in freshwater flows could accelerate the decline of the delta smelt fish species and damage the entire ecosystem.
  • To ensure effective and sustainable water management, it is vital to complement this approach with conservation strategies, adequate storage infrastructure and better regulation of water use.
  • Balancing human needs with the preservation of water resources is essential to avoid ecological collapse and to ensure long-term water security in California.
  • In early February, billion gallons of water were released from two reservoirs in the Central Valley region of California, following an order issued by President Donald Trump.

DevelopmentAid: What could be the impact on the broader environmental balance of rerouting water from the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta, particularly on fish species such as the delta smelt?

Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist
Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist

“The reinstatement of the Trump administration’s plan to divert water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta could have a major environmental impact, particularly on the delta smelt, a critically endangered species. Firstly, the reduction in freshwater flows would increase the salinity of the delta, altering water quality and making the habitat less suitable for the delta smelt and other aquatic species. Additionally, decreased natural flows could disrupt the smelts’ reproduction and growth cycles, as their survival depends on a stable hydrological balance. Furthermore, lower water levels and higher temperatures could encourage the spread of invasive species that compete with the delta smelt for food or increase predation pressure. Reduced flows could also lead to higher concentrations of agricultural and industrial pollutants, further harming the delta’s biodiversity. If this plan is implemented without protective measures, it could accelerate the decline of the delta smelt and damage the entire ecosystem. A more sustainable water management approach is essential to balance human needs with the preservation of the delta’s natural habitats.”

Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist
Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist

“The Trump-45 administration and the Biden administration each dealt with the issue of rerouting water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Both offered a plan that sought to balance environmental concerns with the water needs of people. However, with the recent LA fires, I consider that the current Trump administration has an advantage. Trump may use the recent wildfires and the public outrage over the lack of water to extinguish the fires to push a plan that puts the American people first over ecological concerns, as he promised in his campaign.”


Germán Fandiño Sierra, International Relations Specialist
Germán Fandiño Sierra, International Relations Specialist

“First of all, it is necessary to keep in mind that this objective has been under discussion for several decades, and alternatives were already being planned as early as 1940, such as the Peripheral Canal (1940), the Delta Cross Channel (1951) and the Delta Transportation Project (2022). It is natural that environmental groups, tribes, the fishing industry and many residents of the Delta oppose these projects, but I believe that well-coordinated work could make this intervention to nature generate benefits for the majority of people, while minimizing negative impacts. The most important thing is to apply the principle of “do no harm”.

DevelopmentAid: What are the potential ecological and long-term consequences of prioritizing human water needs over environmental protection in the context of California’s water management?

Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist
Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist

“Prioritizing human water needs over environmental protection in California could have major and lasting ecological consequences. Firstly, reduced natural flows threaten aquatic ecosystems and species like the delta smelt and chinook salmon, whose reproduction relies on stable hydrological conditions. Additionally, decreased freshwater input promotes saltwater intrusion, degrading soil fertility for agriculture and making water less potable. Furthermore, lower water levels and higher temperatures create ideal conditions for invasive species which disrupt food chains and outcompete native species. Water quality is also threatened by the concentration of agricultural and industrial pollutants, affecting biodiversity and increasing treatment costs. Finally, the over-exploitation of water exacerbates the effects of climate change by accelerating desertification and reducing ecosystem resilience to droughts. Balancing human needs with the preservation of water resources is crucial to avoid ecological collapse and ensure long-term water security in California.”

Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist
Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist

“Prioritizing human water needs over environmental protection in California could lead to habitat and species loss, and other undesired effects due primarily to water mismanagement such as salinization and groundwater contamination. Water pollution and the loss of wetlands due to human activities could also occur in the long-term.”



DevelopmentAid: In the face of California’s water scarcity and wildfires, how effective is the proposed policy in addressing the region’s water supply challenges while also mitigating the risk of ecological damage?

Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist
Franck Obame Nguema, Economist; international trade specialist

“Trump’s plan could improve water supply for agriculture and urban areas in California. By increasing access to water resources, this plan would help Central Valley farmers and cities better cope with drought periods, stabilizing the agricultural economy and ensuring a more predictable water supply. Additionally, this redistribution of water could play a key role in combating wildfires, which are becoming increasingly frequent in California. By strengthening the available water reserves, the plan could facilitate fire prevention and management, reducing economic and human losses. However, to ensure effective and sustainable water management, it is crucial to complement this approach with conservation strategies, adequate storage infrastructure, and better regulation of water use. A balanced policy would thus guarantee a sufficient water supply for agricultural and urban needs, as well as for wildfire management while adapting to the region’s growing climate challenges.”

Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist
Jocelyn Tchakounte, Africa Development and Trade Specialist

“California deals with the water crisis by protecting and sustaining its critical groundwater supplies through the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). In addition to that, the proposed policy aims to create additional infrastructure to increase the water supply in California. As a result, engineering and management will combine to effectively address the region’s water supply.”



Germán Fandiño Sierra, International Relations Specialist
Germán Fandiño Sierra, International Relations Specialist

“It is too early to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed policy, but there is still time to work in an appropriate manner and ensure effectiveness that respects the life of the ecosystems, the animals that live there and, above all, strives for a natural balance that benefits communities that suffer from water shortages without involving the death of life in the ecosystems.”



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