How is Generation Z changing the world of work in international development? | Experts’ Opinions

By Experts Opinions

How is Generation Z changing the world of work in international development? | Experts’ Opinions

Different generations share different opinions, views, values, and lifestyles, and this is something that is never going to change. It also applies to the job market where, as of 2023, there were five generations working simultaneously: traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Generation Z. However, it is Generation Z who are reshaping the entire work landscape, including the international development sector. More work-life balance, less time abroad, an overarching concern for climate change, and a keen interest in gender equality are just a few of the important areas of focus that characterize the approach of members of the younger generation who are taking the first steps on their career ladder. How is Generation Z changing the world of work in international development? Check some opinions below.

Key Takeaways:

  • Generation Z consists of people born between 1995 and 2009, currently making up about 30% of the world population and accounting for 27% of the workforce.
    According to experts, Generation Z is reshaping international development by prioritizing inclusivity and sustainability through initiatives such as gender justice, environmental integration, and innovative approaches.
  • Generation Z are more focused on fighting inequalities which leads to more targeted interventions that address root causes and promote sustainable development outcomes.
  • However, Generation Z’s desire to spend less time working abroad for extended periods could limit the ability to fully understand local situations and effectively implement development projects.
  • One challenge for the international development work landscape is the need to adapt to Generation Z preferences for flexible working arrangements and other requirements not yet generally available in traditional employment environments.

DevelopmentAid: How is Generation Z changing the world of work in international development? What are the pros and cons?

Ryszard Kaminski, Independent EU Projects Consultant
Ryszard Kaminski, Independent EU Projects Consultant

“Generation Z’s priorities and values are reshaping the landscape of international development cooperation. With a focus on gender justice, a desire for work-life balance, and heightened concerns about inequality and climate change, this generation is ushering in both positive and negative changes.


  • Greater emphasis on gender justice: Generation Z’s keen interest in gender equality is fostering more inclusive and equitable development practices, leading to improved outcomes for marginalized communities.
  • Increased awareness of inequality: By viewing poverty through the lens of inequality, Generation Z professionals are pushing for more targeted and effective interventions that address the root causes of disparities to ultimately promote more sustainable development.
  • Climate change mitigation: With climate change as a top concern, Generation Z is driving initiatives that integrate environmental sustainability into development projects, ensuring their resilience and long-term viability.


  • Less time abroad: While prioritizing work-life balance is important, a reluctance to spend extended periods in developing countries may limit first-hand understanding of local contexts and hinder effective project implementation.
  • Potential for generational clashes: Generation Z’s values and priorities may clash with those of older generations in the field, leading to tensions and resistance to change within organizations.
  • Need for adaptation: Adapting to Generation Z’s preferences for flexible work arrangements and digital communication may require significant adjustments in traditional development structures, posing challenges for some organizations.

In summary, Generation Z’s influence on international development cooperation brings positive shifts towards inclusivity, sustainability, and social justice. However, adapting to their preferences while maintaining effectiveness and addressing potential challenges will require thoughtful navigation and innovation within the sector.”

Elizabeth Alderson, International Livestock consultant
Elizabeth Alderson, International Livestock consultant

“Generation Z includes those postgraduates born between 1997 and 2012 who have chosen a professional career in international development and cooperation that will shape the future vocational landscape. On a positive note, this generation regards poverty reduction as the central goal of development policy to fight against the inequality that exists between economically strong and weak countries. Industrial economies’ prosperity is no longer regarded as a model for the rest of the world. International development cooperation has frequently been dominated by western concepts and development expertise, often belittling local knowledge as being marginal. For the Global South to stand a chance of lifting itself out of poverty, the industrialized world must reduce its dependence on resources from this region. Working overseas is less attractive to those now looking for a career in international development. Generation Z is more conscious of the greenhouse gas emissions caused by international air travel. The recent COVID-19 pandemic and growing security concerns in many developing countries have contributed to the reluctance to travel overseas. Digital communication has changed the way of obtaining and processing information making it possible to work on an equal footing with partners in developing countries without being present in person. The decline in readiness to spend time overseas could make it more difficult to appreciate the actual situation on the ground and build relationships with local people.”

See also: What to expect from the job market in 2025 | Experts’ Opinions

Generation Z professionals willing to begin their journey in the international development sector can take the first step with DevelopmentAid’s Individual Professional Membership, which provides exclusive access to thousands of job opportunities in the sector. The openings cover various sectors, locations, types of contracts, and levels of expertise, starting with only one year of experience. Members can also access tenders and grants for individuals, where they can apply to work as consultants, or access the 300,000+ organizations’ page and write directly to those who are relevant to their experience.