The International Rescue Committee (IRC) calls on all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of civilians in Lebanon following the extension of the ceasefire agreement until February 18.
Despite a significant reduction in hostilities since a ceasefire agreement was first signed last November, civilians continue to bear the brunt of the crisis. According to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, 22 people were killed and over 120 injured by Israeli forces as they attempted to return to their homes in southern villages on Sunday.
Across the country, more than 870,000 people displaced by the conflict have now returned to their areas of origin, with some 112,000 people remaining displaced. However, for both those still displaced and returnees, extensive damage to homes and critical infrastructure, including roads, water, and electricity networks, highlights the critical importance of addressing both immediate humanitarian needs and longer-term reconstruction challenges.
With the partners, the IRC remains committed to providing critical assistance to those affected by last year’s escalation, including displaced populations in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and the Bekaa Governorate. Over the past two months, we have supported more than 5,000 people affected by the conflict with cash assistance, health services, and protection services.
Juan Gabriel Wells, the IRC’s Country Director in Lebanon, says: “The fragility of the situation in Lebanon continues to place already incredibly vulnerable civilians at high risk. To ensure a genuine path to recovery, all parties must comply with the now extended ceasefire agreement in good faith, while respecting their obligations to protect civilians as per international humanitarian law. More than 60 days since the initial ceasefire agreement was signed, the situation for people affected by the conflict remains extremely challenging. While there has been genuine progress concerning the number of people able to return to their areas of origin, the majority still face extensive damage to housing, and infrastructure and a lack of access to essential services upon return. More than 100,000 people remain displaced and affected communities that the IRC supports tell us that they desperately need food and cash assistance, as well as access to healthcare services and mental health support. Immediate and flexible emergency funding is urgently needed to enable humanitarians, like the IRC, to respond to the needs of those affected by this crisis.”