The role of international organizations and NGOs in the development aid sector

By Sam Ursu

The role of international organizations and NGOs in the development aid sector

Since the end of World War I and the establishment of the League of Nations, wealthier, “Western” countries (sometimes known as the Global North) have organized themselves in an effort to try and address various endemic socio-economic issues occurring in vulnerable regions as well as deliver material and financial support for those suffering from natural disaster, in a practice now commonly known as “development aid.” Partly conducted on an individual, sovereign basis and partly organized and administered through bilateral and international organizations, wealthy countries have provided financial assistance, technical expertise, and material goods as part of both short-term and long-term efforts to reduce gender inequalities, enhance educational opportunities, build infrastructure, improve health, and reduce poverty.

And while the modern concept of “development aid” was originally conceived of as being largely under the purview of national governments, over time, NGOs, charitable organizations, and international organizations have gradually taken on more significant roles. In particular, with the creation of the United Nations in the immediate aftermath of the end of World War II, relief efforts financed and sponsored by national governments became increasingly coordinated and even administered by various UN agencies. Likewise, many NGOs such as Oxfam, which were originally founded to address a single issue (famine in Greece, in Oxfam’s case) have since expanded their remit to address a whole host of global issues, all of which can now be classified as being in the “development aid sector.”

Today, the full spectrum of the development aid sector (also known as “official development assistance” or ODA) encompasses more than $200 billion in annual spending, and the direct contributions by national governments constitutes only a fraction of that, with the rest being channeled through international organizations and NGOs. Development aid is now a well-entrenched and well-established goal for many of the United Nations ’member-states, and millions of individuals as well as businesses are now also committed to contributing to NGOs and other institutions for the purpose of achieving a broad range of socio-economic targets as outlined in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

NGOs and their impact on development aid

The acronym NGO (non-governmental organization) is an umbrella term to refer to any organization which is independent of government control and is organized on a non-profit basis, and which is dedicated to improving the lives of others. Partly synonymous with the term “charity,” NGOs are characterized by the fact that they are independent of government institutions and rely on a mix of funding streams (including both donations, and sometimes government money) and volunteers to implement their (the NGO’s) initiatives. Although the majority of NGOs are relatively small in terms of size, they play an outside role in community engagements and action as they seek to tackle a wide range of issues, including environmental conservation, healthcare, education, gender equality, access to education, and poverty reduction.

See also: How do non-profit organizations receive funding?

One of the oldest and best-known NGOs, which is still in existence today, is the Red Cross (now known as the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement), which began as an organized non-governmental effort to treat wounded soldiers following the Battle of Solferino in 1859. Similarly, many other NGOs can trace their foundation to efforts to provide humanitarian aid during a time of conflict, but the role of NGOs greatly expanded following the end of World War II as the creation of the United Nations led to a wider global awareness of longer-term social issues. Whereas, in earlier eras, charities were organized and administered largely on religious lines, modern NGOs are primarily secular in nature and more actively engaged in advocacy and implementing development projects.

International organizations in the development aid sector

In contrast to NGOs, which, by definition, enjoy autonomy from governments, international organizations are always founded on agreements between national governments in an effort for member countries to address what they perceive as common challenges. The term “international organization” can refer to multilateral agreements of all sizes and scopes, including global bodies such as the United Nations, regional entities like the European Union, and bilateral bodies such as ASEAN.

Some international organizations, such as the UN as a whole, are focused on overarching global issues such as poverty reduction and environmental degradation, while other international organizations are more specialized in nature, such as the World Health Organization or the International Monetary Fund. Regardless of their size or scope, international organizations play a key role in fostering collective action and in effort to address often complex issues that transcend national boundaries.

Collaborative efforts and the future of development aid

When it comes to the development aid sector, the collaboration between international organizations, NGOs, and, lately, the private sector, is of paramount importance for maximizing the impact of sustainable initiatives and synergizing the collective efforts of stakeholders. When NGOs and international organizations are able to combine their resources, expertise, and community networks, a more comprehensive, effective, and holistic approach to addressing both long-term and short-term challenges can be achieved. When the efforts of NGOs and international organizations are aligned, communities in need benefit from improved efficacy, better and more targeted results, and improved engagements, allowing for a more unified front in tackling issues ranging from the fallout from natural disasters to gender equality.

One good example of a successful collaboration between an NGO and an international institution is the partnership formed between Oxfam and the UNDP (UN Development Program) in order to address water scarcity in sub-Saharan Africa. Oxfam, with its deep connections to the local community and its grassroots expertise, was the right partner to identify communities which were struggling with water access while the UNDP was able to mobilize both funding and global support.

As the world strives to achieve the SDGs and continue the long-running battle against poverty, it is quite certain that both international organizations and NGOs will play a vital role in helping to make the world a better place for us all.

The largest development sector database in the world,, currently hosts over 52,000 NGOs which implement projects with support from international organizations. This number probably doesn’t reflect all the smaller organizations involved in smaller, community-level projects. Join the platform today, discover the multiple sectors where your knowledge and skills is needed.