UNOPS worked with the government of Japan to enhance water supply infrastructure and sanitation facilities in the Qoloji Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp.
The Qoloji IDP Camp in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia faces ongoing public health risks due to the spread of cholera and other epidemics. The COVID-19 pandemic also severely weakened the already precarious healthcare system due to crowded living conditions and limited access to necessary medicines.
To address the spread of waterborne diseases in the camp, UNOPS enhanced the water supply infrastructure and sanitation facilities, with funding from the government of Japan.
”UNOPS is happy to hand over fully functioning and equipped water supplies and sanitation facilities that will contribute to meeting the needs of internally displaced persons in the Qoloji Camp, ”Worknesh Mekonnen – Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Ethiopia.
“I strongly believe these water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities should be well-maintained and used for a long time by the community,” said Satsuki Fukai, Representative of the government of Japan.
The project is also supporting the government of Ethiopia in its efforts to resettle internally displaced persons in an environmentally friendly manner.