STDF Annual Report: Adapting and learning to facilitate safe trade in food

By World Trade Organization

STDF Annual Report: Adapting and learning to facilitate safe trade in food

The latest Annual Report from the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) issued on 6 July showcases how the STDF is learning from its past work to strengthen sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) capacities in developing countries in ways that will improve its impact on beneficiaries and produce better results.

In response to the changing global landscape, the STDF has actively collaborated with government institutions, international organizations, and development partners across agriculture, health, environment, and trade and development sectors to enhance compliance with international food safety, animal and plant health standards, and facilitate safe trade in food.

“The STDF is working to create a world where food traded is safe and secure for all, and also to facilitate the compliance of relevant standards by developing countries’ exports,” said WTO Deputy Director-General, Jean-Marie Paugam. “The global partnership in 2022 identified supporting the implementation of the SPS Declaration on Responding to Modern SPS Challenges adopted by WTO Ministers at the 12th Ministerial Conference as a priority. The STDF stands ready to assist WTO members to address climate change and environmental challenges in the years to come.”

“The pandemic changed how the world operates and it was impressive to see the many ways in which the STDF Secretariat so ably adapted to the ever-evolving challenges and took advantage of emerging opportunities,” said Kelly McCormick, Chair of the STDF Working Group.

The STDF’s work has included a focus on the intersections between SPS capacity development, gender equality, and climate change while taking a more integrated “One Health,” or holistic food systems approach. Addressing these cross-cutting issues will be key to achieving the STDF’s goal of increased and sustainable SPS capacity in beneficiary developing countries.

“Compliance with SPS requirements is already a major challenge for many developing countries. Climate change is making this even more difficult. Strengthening developing countries’ SPS systems, including capacities to monitor and control new pests and diseases, is more important than ever and will contribute to increased food production and food security,” said Melvin Spreij, Head of the STDF.

Trade and SPS capacity development cannot be seen as gender neutral, and last year the STDF took an important step to systematically mainstream gender issues throughout its projects and knowledge work, the Report notes.

The Annual Report draws on new experiences and lessons of how STDF projects are facilitating action-oriented partnerships to improve compliance with international standards within and across countries and regions. It spotlights specific projects such as improving the safety and quality of Sudan’s sesame seeds; enhancing compliance with phytosanitary measures in Uganda’s fruit and vegetable sectors; promoting good agricultural practices in Tajikistan’s honey and apricot value chains; increasing fish exports from the Solomon Islands; improving testing capacities for animal diseases in Central America and the Caribbean; and piloting an animal identification and registration system in Mongolia.