The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the European Union (EU) has concluded a significant strategic partnership to support Palestine refugees in Syria. In 2022, the EU contributed €2 million to the UNRWA Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan Emergency Appeal 2022 (Syria Appeal) for humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected Palestine refugees.
This funding supported the Agency’s overall efforts to provide 148,022 of the most vulnerable Palestine refugees, 59 per cent of whom were women, with emergency cash assistance to meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, and heating. Thanks to this particular contribution, 36,003 of the most vulnerable Palestine refugees received assistance over a four-month period.
The Syrian crisis has displaced millions of people and is entering its 13th year, with the situation remaining tense and volatile. EU support, therefore, is essential to continue to provide much-needed assistance to Palestine refugees affected by the crisis.
Expressing his gratitude for the contribution, the Director of UNRWA Affairs in Syria, Amanya Michael-Ebye, said: “Thanks to donors like the EU, we continue to make an important contribution to protecting the most vulnerable Palestine refugees, providing them with vital humanitarian assistance. As Syrians are going through the worst economic crisis since the conflict began, the sustained support of the European Union to UNRWA activities remains invaluable to help alleviate some of the devastating consequences of the conflict, particularly in relation to the most vulnerable Palestine refugees. The UNRWA cash assistance program remains one of the pillars of the Agency’s emergency response.”