How To Capture Business Opportunities Financed By The Multilateral Development Banks | Interactive Workshops

By Flanders Investment and Trade

How To Capture Business Opportunities Financed By The Multilateral Development Banks | Interactive Workshops

πŸ“… 8-9 February 2023 πŸ•‘ 10.00 am – 4.00 pm  (TBC)
FIT HQ, Kon. Albert II-laan 37, 1030 Brussels, Belgium

In addition to the free conference that will be held in the Egmont Palace on February 7th, FIT & invite you to some workshops on the World Bank and other MDBs (multilateral development banks) financed procurement at the headquarters of FIT on February 8th, 2023 and February 9th, 2023.

The workshops are targeted, hands-on, interactive and for a limited audience only (max 20 persons per day). As we make use of an external consultant with an office close to the World Bank HQ in Washington, we ask a registration fee for these workshops (200 € per person per day), which will be organized at Flanders Investment & Trade.

The main purpose of the introduction on the first day (8/2) is to make you aware of the possibilities MDB procurement may offer to you. Also, we want to give you enough arguments (pro or contra), when you are taking the decision if you want to invest time and money in following up on these markets and to help you determine your strategy. How will you find a local partner and is it best to work as a lead company, joint venture, or as a subcontractor? The second day (9/2) will be dedicated to writing good expressions of interest and proposals (formal aspects + content).

The workshops will take place on two different days (+- 10.00 am – 4.00 pm – TBC), for each of which we charge 200 euros.


Registration fee per person per day: 200 € (400 € per person for both sessions).

Deadline for registration: February 1st.

The number of participants is limited to 20 (only for Flemish and Brussels companies).