“J K S S & Associates” (Formerly known as “J K Sarawgi & Company “ ) is 55 years old Chartered Accountants firm having Head Office at Delhi , India ,16 Branches at Major Cities in India & PAN India Network Associates at 300 + Locations.
Apart from doing various diversified Audits in India , we also participate in International bidding for audits of NGO’s ,Government Departments etc. on behalf of UN Agencies. We have Joint Ventures / Resident Audit Associates at 50+ Countries .We are empanelled at 20+ Countries & have been doing assignments there.
We are participating in an International Bidding for Auditing ADB Funded projects at Tajikistan This requirement is for Tajikistan Citizens only.
We are looking for Tajikistan based local professional accounting & auditing professionals having CPA / ACCA / CFE / CIA or Masters Degree in Accounts & Finance having knowledge of Tajik / Russian as well as English with Minimum 5 years of work experience . We will engage such candidates as Part Time Associates on Assignment Basis. This is a Part Time Assignment Based requirement for 3 years & approx. requirement for one month in a year
If you are interested to associate with us for such work so that we can participate in bidding & if we get selected you shall get opportunity to work for us for the period as mentioned above .
For details about our firm you can refer https://
In case of any query please feel free to contact me : mail id : , Mobile / Whatsapp No. + 91-9871599182, Viber No. +91-8076629842