Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) assists and supports developing countries and countries in transition as the executing agency of Japanese Official Developement Assistance (ODA).
In accordance with its vision of “Inclusive and Dynamic Development”,JICA supports the resolution of issues of developing countries by using the most suitable tools of various assistance methods and a combined regional-, country-, and issue-oriented approach.
JICA, the world largest bilateral aid agency, is in charge of administrating ODA through technical cooperation, ODA loans, and grant aid in integrated manner, and has some 100 offices worldwide to promote projects in response to local needs in over 150 countries.
Being established in 2006 in Belgrade, JICA Balkan Office covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*,Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. JICA Balkan Office provides assistance for growth and stability to the countries of this region, working mainly in the areas of environmental conservation, private sector development and the consolidation of peace.