The Direction Nationale Garde-Côtes des Douanes (DNGCD) is a service with national competence which brings together, since July 1 , 2019, under a unified command, the various services in charge of the strategic and operational management of the aero-maritime means of the administration of the Customs. Established on all of France's coastlines and in the Arc Antilles Guyane, it is piloted by a General Staff which ensures, from Le Havre, the governance and coordination of three Coast Guard Services based in Nantes, Marseille and Fort- of France.
The national customs coastguard directorate implements, throughout the national territory, excluding the area of competence of the regional directorate of customs and indirect rights of Mayotte, the maritime and land surveillance missions of the customs administration requiring the use of maritime and air means. It contributes to the action of the State at sea and to the coastguard function and participates, within this framework, in national and international missions.