Al-Amal Microfinance Bank (AMB) is a non-dividend Yemeni MFI that provides inclusive financial services and non-financial to the vulnerable, particularly SMEs. Established by Yemeni Law No. 23 of 2002, AMB's creation was the culmination of the joint efforts of SFD, AGFUND, and the private sector. Our primary goal is to actively contribute to the development and promotion of sustainable enterprises by offering a comprehensive range of financial and non-financial services that cater to the needs of the community. We place particular emphasis on supporting youth, women entrepreneurship, vulnerable groups, and low-income households.
AMB offers a diverse package of financial services, including loans, savings, Micro-LGs, E-Money, ...etc. What sets us apart from other banks in Yemen is our commitment to providing business development services (BDS) alongside our financial offerings. To fulfill this commitment, we have established the REYADAH Foundation, a training institution focused on delivering training and consultation services for youth, SMEs, and entrepreneurs. It's worth mentioning that a considerable portion of AMB's banking service returns are intentionally allocated to support SME owners through our financing portfolio.