Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (Kosovo)

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (Kosovo)

Contacts 25
Tenders 53
Grants 3
Jobs 0
Contractors 0
Pricing strategy 0
Last update: May 25, 2023 Last update: May 25, 2023
Pricing strategy


Address:Rr. Nëna Terezë, 10000 Prishtinë, Republika e Kosovës
Contact person:
Sectors:Agriculture, Rural Development
Agriculture, Rural Development
Nr. of employees:51-200
Types:Government Body
Government Body

Attachments 1



Develop polices and implement laws for development of agriculture including also the cattle and production of plant, rural development and setting of standards for maintenance.
Facilities development of credit scheme for the support of agriculture, forestry and activities for rural development in private sector;
Develop policy for assisting the administration and management of forestry sector including protection, activities of reforestation, self-support, fighting form the fire,
prevention of fire, disinfection form the insects and different diseases, license for felling of tree and control of hunting and fishing;
Regulate activities of hunting and fishing;
Supervise the approach of veterinary services, including among the others prevention of animal diseases, zoonese and the improvement of herds qualities and herds of poultries;
Develop polices in the field of watering including also the projects for the planning of irrigation;
Develop polices and implement laws particularly the utilization of land with the purpose of its protection;
In cooperation with Ministry of Health, Environmental and Spatial Planning surveys control of food quality and agriculture inputs with the purpose of consumers;
Supervise activities that aim disappearance of insects, parasites, plants diseases or harmful causers;
Take part in the activities of protection of the environmental that have to do with forestry, hunting, fishing and management of resources of the water and
Provide assistance in the issues that are linked with veterinary, does the phytosanitary control and of the quality of animals and animal's products that are passed transit through the administrative cross boundaries and state too of the food and the agriculture, plants and plants products.

Country eligibility

No information available

Circumstantial eligible countries

No information available

Tender Management Modes

Financing agencies
  • WB

  • EC

  • Government


Grant Management Modes

Financing agencies
  • Government