The Ministry of Finance exists to ensure macro-economic stability for promotion of sustainable economic growth and development of Ghana and her people through:
The formulation and implementation of sound financial, fiscal and monetary policies.
Creating an enabling environment for investment. In furtherance of the foregoing the Ministry is committed to the pursuit of excellence, transparency, probity and accountability in the management of financial resources.
Establishing and disseminating performance-oriented guidelines and accurate user- friendly financial management information systems.
Efficient mobilisation, allocation and management of financial resources.
To allocate and manage financial resources efficiently, effectively and rationally
To formulate and implement sound macro-economic policies.
To reduce and restructure the Domestic debt
To improve Public Expenditure Management
To pursue prices and Exchange rate stability
To account for all Public Finances properly
To improve the human resources and Institutional Management Capacity
To improve Fiscal Resource Mobilization
To strengthen private sector
Formulate and implement sound fiscal and financial policies
Effective mobilization and efficient allocation of resources
Improve public financial management
We are responsible for:
Mobilization of external and internal resources
Allocation of resources to all sectors of the economy
Ensuring sustainability of public debt
Preparation and implementation of the annual budget and economic and financial statement of Government
Management of public expenditure
Development and implementation of financial sector policies