Ministry of Finance and the Public Service (MOFPS) is a government authority established in Jamaica whose main activities include the development of the Government’s fiscal and economic policy framework, the effective distribution of state revenues and the socio-economic development of the country. MOFPS’s mission is to improve the living standards of citizens.
MOFPS’ operational responsibilities which include budget and financial management, financial regulation and anti-corruption, revenue collection, public bodies oversight among other activities, are carried out through 14 divisions (PEX, PXPC, PSED, Economic Management, Financial Regulations, Corporate Services, Taxation Policy, etc.). The Ministry’s vision is to achieve a stable macro-economy, regulated ministries and MDAs, productively managed public funds and satisfied clientele. The programs it has conducted include Public Sector Pension Reform, Medium Term Economic Framework, Tax Reform, Environmental Protection Levy, etc. MOFPS also offers scholarships in order to expand access to training and education.
MOFPS is specialized in Fiscal & Economic Policy Framework, Socio-Economic Development, Education, Budget & Financial Management, Capacity Building, Public Administration, Anti-Corruption, Anti Money Laundering, Programme Management, etc.