CARE International has programmes in the developing world address a broad range of topics including emergency response, food security, water and sanitation, economic development, climate change, agriculture, education, and health. CARE also advocates at the local, national, and international levels for policy change and the rights of poor people. Within each of these areas, CARE focuses on empowering and meeting the needs of women and girls and promoting gender equality.
About the CARE International Secretariat
The CARE International Secretariat has a small team in Geneva, Switzerland, with additional staff in Brussels, London and New York and teams positioned in numerous other locations around the world. The Secretariat is led by CARE International’s Secretary General, based in Ecuador, and coordinates and supports the confederation to achieve common impact goals and shared global priorities, in line with our Mission, Vision and Values, and our Vision 2030 ambition.
The Secretariat represents the confederation at the United Nations, the European Union, and other key global forums. It also convenes CARE International's governance teams, helps to define and advance shared strategic priorities, measures and reports on accountability, supports the coordination of global communications and advocacy as well as the contributions of all parts of CI for joined up influencing, investment and impact.
All opportunities from CARE International are published on DevelopmentAid under Funding Agency "Other".