? 12 November 2020
For decades, notoriously high youth unemployment has left millions of young people in the Southern Mediterranean without a chance to build a future. At the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process, this situation has been sharply aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the current crisis has exposed economic vulnerabilities, it also offers an opportunity to rebuild Mediterranean integration in a more inclusive and sustainable way. With the Southern Mediterranean linking Europe and the rest of Africa, a future shortening of supply chains might present an important prospect for more jobs and value creation in the region.
Under the auspices of German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, the Forum will bring together key regional stakeholders to discuss the contribution of trade and investment to employment creation in the Mediterranean region. By bringing together representatives from the public and private sector, the Forum will present an opportunity to discuss the framework conditions for trade and investment between the European Union and Africa.
The event will serve as a platform to discuss how development cooperation by the European Union and its Member States can contribute to promoting sustainable trade and investment relations for the creation of employment opportunities in the Southern Mediterranean neighborhood.
Original source: UfM