AfDB will be one of the key collaborating partners for the 2018 World Water Week

AfDB will be one of the key collaborating partners for the 2018 World Water Week

During the closing ceremony of the 27th World Water Week, the African Development Bank (AfDB) was selected as one of the three key collaborating partners for the 2018 edition, together with Nature Conservancy and World Water Assessment Program.

A Showcase co-organized by the AfDB, African Water Facility and the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW): An African Response to Agenda 2030 was held on August 27. This event outlined key approaches by the three Conveners, and how they cooperate to produce an evolving and more effective approach.

Speaking on behalf of the president of AMCOW, the Egyptian Water and Irrigation Minister, Dr Mohamed Abdel Atty, projected that by the year 2030, global demand for water will grow by 50% and most of this demand would be in the cities.

“The need for newer approaches and technologies for wastewater collection, management and reuse becomes therefore imperative…Experiences of AMCOW member states show that wastewater can be a resource for irrigation with basic treatment and proper hygiene practices; sludge can be used as a source of energy, and fertilizers. The productive use of wastewater can generate income, development of microenterprise and employment, as well as contribute to urban food and energy security. The wastewater challenge can be turned into opportunities for poverty alleviation.” Dr Atty says.

At the exhibit booth, hosted by the African Development Bank, AMCOW, the African Water Facility (AWF) and the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI), entrepreneurs, policymakers, investors, and future decision-makers gathered, discussed and identified new ways to increase the focus on water and sanitation, and how to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Sustainable water and sanitation for all by 2030).

The 2018 World Water Day theme will be “Nature-based Solutions for Water”, while the thematic scope of the event will explore the wider Water, Ecosystems and Human Development agenda; and the need to safeguard the sustainability of vital ecosystems as habitats for plant and animal life, and as resources for services for human development and well-being.

As key collaborating partner for the 2018 edition, the Bank will advise and facilitate on the content and overall set-up of the event and will be represented on the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) from September 2017 to September 2018. The mandate of the SPC is to work with SIWI to ensure the scientific quality and relevance of the World Water Week, including the development of the World Water Week’s scientific components. The Bank will also develop the seminar programme, identify keynote speakers as well as report and follow-up after the conference, in close collaboration with SIWI and the Scientific Programme Committee.

The World Water Week organized every year in Sweden, by the Stockholm Water Institute (SIWI), was held from August 27 to September 1, 2017, under the theme “Water and Waste: reduce and reuse.” Over 3,250 participants from 133 countries attended the various sessions, shared experiences, and discussed solutions to the world’s most critical water challenges during this year’s edition.

Original source: AfDB

Posted on 22 September 2017