The latest statistics point to a significant improvement in educational outcomes across developing regions. Enrollment in primary education in these countries has reached 91 percent. Despite the tremendous progress these countries have achieved, some 57 million primary-aged children remain out of school, more than half of them in sub-Saharan Africa.
According to UNDP data, 103 million youth worldwide don’t have basic literacy skills of which 60 percent are women. The right support can improve learning even under the most difficult circumstances. The following is a top 10 international organizations committed to provide universal access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. These are the largest organizations, considering the number of employees, but also their impact which covers a wide range of countries and beneficiaries.
Here’s the list of international educational organizations:
UNESCO is the only United Nations agency responsible for encompassing all the educational fields. The organization has made the commitment to transform people’s lives by leading the Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4. Being steadily involved in redesigning the educational framework, UNESCO expands its activity from pre-school to higher education and beyond through cooperation advances, policy guidance, capacity development and advocacy. UNESCO highlighted the necessity to identify a collective action to unprecedented repercussions of the COVID-19: closed schools and universities in 138 countries and 1.37 billion children and youth. In these circumstances, it is mandatory to urge the implementation of SDG goals and modernize the educational system.
World change starts with educated children. This is the belief of Room to Read organization. In less than 20 years of experience, over 18 million children benefited worldwide. Focusing on vulnerable populations, Room to Read initiatives rely on two main programs: literacy in primary school and girls’ education in secondary school.
From the position of a consulting organization based in UK, Education Development Trust works to transform lives by improving schools and educational systems. Either directly or indirectly, EDT team has reached 2.3 million learners, 96,000 education practitioners and 6,000 educational establishments including schools, technical and vocational education and training, but also higher education providers.
Change the perspective of education by linking it to the way people aspire to live. This is what Pearson’s workers do in 70 countries of the world. They create content, curricula, assessment and digital services to learners, educational institutions, employers, governments and other partners. The organization tries to defy time-honored methods of education and presents the latest trends in order to change the education’s approach.
World Learning, Inc. positions itself as a unique international organization which provide education, exchange, and development programs. Staff members offer support to individuals and institutions in 162 countries of the world.
Focused on advances lasting solutions to improve learning, Education Development Center has been a leader since 1958 in designing innovative programs in more than 80 countries around the world. EDC collaborates with public and private partners to provide individuals, families, and communities with necessary abilities to achieve a better future. More than 47% of their projects are implemented in Africa and Asia.
American Institutes for Research is a driver of transformative changes in education systems through research and evaluation. Policymakers and practitioners get access to important information they use to identify solutions to crucial issues and challenges from the educational field. AIR cumulates all the aspects of education from pre-kindergarten programs to postsecondary education, career readiness, and adult education.
An experienced training provider offers personal and professional development by covering a range of industries from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees. More than 500 practical and relevant courses are delivered by TAFE Queensland’s team to over 110,000 students each year across more than 50 locations in Queensland, Australia.
By creating educational opportunities, British Council empowers individuals and communities with necessary skills and tools to achieve the outcomes. It focuses on strengthening relations with EU countries after the Brexit, but also facilitates changes in other regions.
Our top is closed by Creative Associates International Incorporated, an organization with a field presence in more than 20 countries worldwide. One of their main educational projects seeks to boost the quality of literacy instruction and student support for 15 million children in Ethiopia. Education department combines their expertise with innovative applications of technology.
Besides our top 10 organizations presented above, DevelopmentAid cumulates information about 742 organizations with more than 500 employees, which represent 57% from the total number of organisations working in the education sector registered on our web platform. All these organisations have access to almost 300 grants for the educational sectors’ programs.
The change in education sector became an imminent condition under the circumstances of COVID-19 crisis. The leading organizations have got involved in redressing the situation and mitigating the negative effects. A lot of them provide significant support and advice during COVID-19. Don’t hesitate to consult the resources published on their official platforms.
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