Global Conference on Scaling-up Energy Access and Finance in Least Developed Countries

Global Conference on Scaling-up Energy Access and Finance in Least Developed Countries

The Global Conference on Scaling-up Energy Access and Finance in Least Developed Countries will focus on concrete measures to accelerate energy access and enhance financing for sustainable and modern energy, as called for in SDG7.

The Global Conference aims to build national leadership and create stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships to rapidly scale-up access to sustainable energy. It will especially:

  • Showcase and discuss initiatives and financing models that can accelerate energy transition across LDCs,
  • Share experiences in preparing national energy investment studies and discuss best practices among LDCs and
  • Enhance regional collaboration for sustainable energy in LDCs.

Discussions at the Global Conference will feed into the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), which monitors the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as into the Secretary-General’s Climate Summit to be held in September 2019, by bringing in unique views on how those furthest behind have embarked on SDG7 implementation.


Beijing, China
30-31 May 2019

Original source: UN-OHRLLS
Published on 20 May 2019