African Development Bank calls for scale up in implementation of sanitation targets

African Development Bank calls for scale up in implementation of sanitation targets

The African Development Bank has called on development partners to scale up support for the implementation of sanitation programs to fast track Africa’s progress and deliver on its promise to the continent.

This year’s AfricaSan International Task Force, held February 18-22, 2019, in Cape Town, South Africa, was themed, “Transforming Sanitation in Africa: Accelerating progress towards the Ngor Commitments to achieve the Social Development Goals.”

The Bank plans to promote investment opportunities and leverage additional financing from the private sector and other donors. It shall support innovative and catalytic projects, thus attracting additional funding and enabling project developers to mobilize funding for their innovative projects.

The development partners further called for resource mobilization for sanitation and hygiene and the development of co-financing arrangements to replenish sector-wide financing mechanisms such as the AMCOW-initiated African Water Facility and the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative, both hosted by the African Development Bank.

Original source: AfDB
Published on 01 March 2019