With funding from the World Bank, UNOPS is working with the government of Sierra Leone to further increase access to electricity for rural communities, households, businesses, health clinics, and schools across the country.
Light is vital for people and the planet. In Sierra Leone, UNOPS is working with the World Bank to provide Moyamba Town and other communities across the country with a steady source of light.
Sierra Leone has one of the lowest rates of electricity access in the world. Many small towns and rural communities of the country are unlikely to be connected to the main grid for at least another ten years. To address this, the government of Sierra Leone is working to increase access to electricity in rural areas of the country, using $12.7 million in funding from the World Bank.
UNOPS is working with the government to develop solar mini-grid and standalone renewable energy systems as part of the ‘Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access’ project, which will provide about 3,000 households and 350 businesses with access to renewable solar energy – and light. The project will also provide electricity to around 200 health facilities and 500 schools through the standalone solar energy systems.
”This project will help bring Sierra Leone up to speed with the rest of the world, lighting up communities across the country with clean and affordable energy, ” Ifeoma Charles-Monwuba – Representative and Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Ghana.
Reliable electricity will improve access to emergency healthcare at night, increase the number of hours students can study, improve safety at night for women and girls as well as enable businesses to operate longer hours, supporting economic growth.
In Moyamba, more than 40 local female technicians were recruited and trained in the installation of solar panels, providing a livelihood opportunity for the community.