11th Business Opportunities Fair 2023

11th Business Opportunities Fair 2023

πŸ“… 4 – 5 October 2023
ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines

During the pandemic in 2020-2022, ADB’s Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department (PPFD) transitioned its business opportunities outreach initiatives from in-person to virtual format. In 2023, ADB will conduct its first in-person Business Opportunities Fair (BOF) after the pandemic.

The ADB BOF is a one-stop forum for consultants, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, and civil society organizations looking to provide goods, works, and services for ADB projects. It has proven to be an excellent opportunity to network with peers in the industry and with ADB specialists in the energy, transport, water, urban development, climate change, agriculture, environment, public management, finance, health, and education sectors.


During the event, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • meet with ADB staff in procurement, consulting, project management, and related operations.
  • meet with ADB sector specialists.
  • network with other consulting firms and suppliers from donor and developing member countries.
  • hear presentations on how to qualify for ADB-financed contracts.
  • discover what business opportunities are available and where.

At the end of the event, participants will have:

  • discovered the advantages of ADB-financed contracts.
  • received an inside look at ADB’s policies and procedures for the procurement of goods and works, the recruitment of consultants, and the engagement of NGOs and civil society organizations.
  • learned how to locate business opportunities.
  • learned the best ways to prepare responsive bids and proposals.
  • received first-hand information on contracting opportunities by sector currently available under ongoing ADB-financed projects, and upcoming ADB pipeline projects.
  • explored areas of cooperation with other BOF participants.

Expected output

The BOF aims to attract the most talented professionals, and to help them qualify for ADB projects. This increasing pool of highly-competent bidders ensures the success of ADB projects.

Target participants

From ADB member countries:

  • consultants
  • contractors
  • manufacturers
  • suppliers/traders
  • NGOs and civil society organizations
  • government officials
  • embassy/trade commissioners
  • think-tanks, institutes, academia, and centers of excellence
