HIV statistics around the world in 2023: TOP-10 countries with highest infection rates

By Daniil Filipenco

HIV statistics around the world in 2023: TOP-10 countries with highest infection rates

Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, targets cells that assist the human body’s ability to fight off infection, thus weakening the resistance of the immune system. HIV can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, if not properly treated. This means that a person is vulnerable to numerous fatal diseases and disorders.

What do we know about HIV treatment?

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a highly effective treatment for HIV that involves adhering to a prescribed medication regimen under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

When taken consistently and as directed, ART can suppress the viral load in the body to undetectable levels, meaning that the virus is no longer detectable by standard tests.

ART is available in two main forms: oral pills and long-acting injectable treatments.

  • Pills are typically recommended for individuals at the initial stage of HIV treatment.
  • Depending on the treatment plan, long-acting injections may be administered either monthly or bi-monthly, providing an alternative to daily oral medication.

Currently, there is no HIV treatment that completely cures the condition which means that if someone has HIV, it will remain in the body for that person’s entire life. However, the majority of HIV-positive people can live long, healthy lives thanks to extremely effective pharmaceutical treatments.

Global HIV statistics

Source: WHO

Significant progress in reducing HIV infections recorded, but challenges remain

HIV infections have shown a considerable 60% reduction since their peak in 1995, and a 39% decrease since 2010.

  • Based on 2023 UNAIDS data, an average of 1.3 million people per year were infected with HIV
  • In 1995, this figure was 3.3 million
  • In 2010, it was 2.1 million.The number of HIV infections among children has also seen a dramatic decline of 62%, falling from an average of 300,000 in 2010 to approximately 120,000.

HIV infections among women and girls

In 2023, of all new HIV infections, 44% was attributed to women and girls. When considering the overall HIV-positive population, 53% of the cases were women and girls. Notably, sub-Saharan Africa experienced a concerning 62% increase in new infections among women and girls during this period.

On a global scale, around 4,000 weekly HIV infections were registered among females aged 15 to 24, with most – 3,100 – occurring in sub-Saharan Africa.

The lives of more than 18 million HIV-infected people were saved between 2000 and 2021 thanks to ART. In addition, the treatment formula led to a 39% drop in new HIV infections and a staggering 51% decrease in fatalities linked with the virus.

HIV statistics in 2023 by region (based on data from the WHO)

In 2023, advances towards meeting the 95-95-95 objectives for HIV testing, treatment, and viral suppression varied. These targets are defined as:

  • 95% living with HIV (PL-HIV) should be diagnosed
  • 95% of those diagnosed should be receiving ART
  • 95% of those receiving ART should achieve viral suppression.

The 2023 UNAIDS data shows that the global figures are currently at: 86-77-72.

HIV/AIDS statistics by regions according to UNAIDS

HIV in Africa

HIV in Asia and the Pacific

HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

HIV in the Western and Central Europe and North America

HIV in the Caribbean

HIV in Latin America

The top 10 nations between 2000 and 2023 in terms of HIV prevalence

The diagrams show data among people aged between 15 and 49.


Sub-Saharan Africa exhibits the highest rates of HIV globally, with Eswatini, Lesotho, and South Africa leading in the number of adults infected with the virus.


In this nation, over 27% of the 1.2 million population are HIV-positive. CDC data shows that HIV/AIDS is the biggest killer in the state. Although the country has made significant progress regarding the issue (in the period 2011-2016 the rate of newly-infected citizens was cut by half), it remains a key problem.

Together with various organizations, the government is attempting to tackle the issue by increasing access to HIV testing and subsequent treatment. It is of note that those most affected are sex workers, with over 60.5% being HIV-positive.


Over 21% of the 2.3 million people of Lesotho are HIV-positive. As in Eswatini, the HIV virus here is the major cause of mortality and is partly to blame for the country’s declining life expectancy and high newborn mortality rates. The high poverty rate of around 36% makes it difficult to get HIV/AIDS treatment, which leads to an extremely short average life span among both men (52 years) and women (56 years).

South Africa

In 2023, South Africa reported around 150,000 new HIV infections, thus topping the global list. With approximately 7.7 million people living with HIV, the country is facing a substantial burden.

With a population of 60 million people, it is difficult to treat all HIV-infected people despite the country having high rates of HIV testing. Moreover, many people start antiretroviral therapy later than is recommended.

A major issue is violence towards women from their intimate partners which prevents them from seeking HIV testing, and beginning and continuing treatment.

Final word

To safeguard our well-being and reduce the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS, it is essential to carry out awareness-raising activities around the globe. Moreover, increased accessibility to diagnosis and treatment (especially in the most vulnerable nations) is crucial to decreasing the rate of AIDS-related deaths.