UNOPS is supporting the government of Madagascar with implementing a $5.6 million infrastructure project, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The project is part of the government’s sustainable agricultural development programme in the Manakara District of southeastern Madagascar’s Fitovinany Region.
As part of the project, UNOPS will construct three solar pumping stations that will irrigate 1,200 hectares of rice fields. The rehabilitation of irrigated areas will increase rice yields as well as make it possible to have two rice-growing seasons instead of one.
”This project will help increase food security, strengthen climate resilience for farmers, and improve access to domestic and foreign markets for agricultural goods”, said Tatiana Wah – Director and Representative of the UNOPS Multi-Country Office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
”I am proud of this initiative to provide sustainable irrigation using renewable energy. With this infrastructure, small-scale food producers will be empowered to take charge of their development,” said Joseph Rostand Olinga Biwole, Representative and Country Director of IFAD in Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and Seychelles.
UNOPS will also rehabilitate several kilometres of rural roads using geocells, which are three-dimensional expandable panels made of polymeric material – the first time ever that this technology will be used in Madagascar for rural roads.
The geocells will help strengthen the road structure and prevent erosion, making the roads more resilient to flash floods and other weather-related events and ensuring long-term resilience. The strategically important roads are vital for ensuring the flow of agricultural goods.
Computer supplies and vehicles will also be procured for Madagascar’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. This project is part of the Programme for the Development of Inclusive Agricultural Sectors, a 10-year, $136 million programme funded by IFAD. The programme aims to improve income and food security for 320,000 farming households in nine regions in southern Madagascar: Amoron’i Mania, Androy, Anosy, Atsimo Andrefana, Atsimo Atsinanana, Fitovinany, Haute Matsiatra, Ihorombe and Vatovavy.