An overview of equity in education. Why is it important?

By Daniil Filipenco

An overview of equity in education. Why is it important?

For centuries, people have attempted to construct educational systems that are efficient. While some countries such as Finland have succeeded in doing so, others still struggle to identify the balance between optimized expenditure and achieving the best results.

However, everyone agrees that a truly efficient educational system is one that works for students from different backgrounds, economic and social status, race, and family history among other differences. This means that, no matter what, every student will have the same opportunity to access the support and resources necessary to gain an education. This is all about equity in education.

However, it transpires that offering the same educational tools, such as books, classrooms, and laptops is not sufficient to achieve a level of performance among students. While being offered equal education, students still need that little bit of something extra to allow them to achieve success. And the key to this is the teacher who is the driver of equity.

Teachers play a key role in inspiring students. To qualify as a teacher, candidates must demonstrate a high level of enthusiasm and commitment. The same qualities should be adopted to foster a supportive learning environment.

Equity in education is key for any teacher with the goal of assisting students to be successful.

Defining equity in education

The term ‘equity in education’ is hard to define succinctly. The primary meaning of this refers to the development of an educational system that serves people of all backgrounds and shapes their enlightening experiences.

Despite the fact that sometimes the two terms are interchangeable, it is important to understand the significant differences between equity and equality

  • Equity means providing particular resources and assistance to disadvantaged students so they have the same prospects as others. This involves underprivileged students receiving the assistance required to overcome certain obstacles and keep up with their peers.
  • Equality means giving all students equal educational opportunities throughout their academic careers. However, while being given the same possibilities, different individuals will require different kinds of support in order to achieve these and this is where the concept of equity is applied.

The advantages of equity in education

According to OECD findings, when teachers and schools give students materials that are specific to their requirements, the atmosphere in the classroom as a whole is improved. The findings from other research show that equity can also improve the social-emotional skills of students.

Other reasons why equity in education is crucial:

  • It provides disadvantaged students with the opportunity to overcome barriers and become successful.
  • It offers equal opportunities to study in a way that promotes each student’s particular way of learning.
  • It ensures that during their learning students are among individuals of the same race, gender, religion, etc. which increases their engagement.
  • It increases accessibility to tools that can advance students’ studies.
  • It sets up a strong family-teacher connection to create a better learning environment at home for each student.
  • It can have a beneficial effect on the community, cut crime rates and tackle poverty.
  • It ensures that people are prepared to contribute to society.

Who is part of the underserved groups of students?

Education experts need to be aware of several groups in order to help students to succeed:

  • Ethnic and racial minorities. This group encompasses all students that are foreigners and from ethnic minorities
  • Low earnings. This category covers institutions in low-income communities as well as pupils from low-income households
  • First-generation student. This group includes students whose parents did not benefit from a proper education
  • Students with learning disabilities. It is essential that teachers pay specific attention to students who suffer from learning disabilities.

7 tips to promote equity

In one of his articles for Edutopia portal, Matthew X. Joseph, a teacher and a principal with expertise in learning, states that there are numerous approaches to promote equity in education:

  1. Hire an expert in equality and diversity.
  2. Stop marking overdue work with a zero. Offer students the option to submit their work late and still receive credit for it.
  3. Eliminate any entry hurdles that prevent students from enrolling in higher-level, more challenging courses.
  4. Boost employee training. If there are no experts in a particular field, schools should consider inviting academics from other institutions.
  5. Focus on the hiring process. It is important to focus on the person rather than on focusing on which college they attended.
  6. Do not focus solely on performance data. Take a closer look at each student who is having difficulties – everyone matters.
  7. Engage students in discussion. Someone who is listening is someone who is learning.

How to ensure equity when students disobey classroom guidelines

Each student enters the classroom with a unique set of prejudices and presumptions. They occasionally express these poorly in ways that are influenced by stereotypes and misleading facts.

According to the Positive Action (PA) program that aims to raise the academic, behavioral, and moral standards of young people, the following actions should be considered when a student uses language that goes against the rules of the classroom:

  1. Stop the class and concentrate on the issue to ensure that the impact of the crucial conversation is not diminished.
  2. Bring attention to the comment while avoiding embarrassing the student. Find the reason why the claim is harmful. Clarify why it doesn’t advance equity
  3. Start a respectful class conversation about the prejudices and background knowledge that might have prompted the student to say something offensive.

Initially, this could feel somewhat awkward, but adopting this approach is a great way to advance equity by quickly addressing offensive comments.

Final word

Equity is central to the Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to guarantee equitable access to all levels of education as well as vocational training for people with disabilities, indigenous people, and children in vulnerable situations.

The purpose of equity in education is to provide every student with the same opportunity so they are able to gain the crucial skills and knowledge that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives and help society. The achievement of every student depends on teachers who are committed to advancing equity. Although not an easy task for teachers, promoting equity is undoubtedly a huge step forward in developing a better and smarter society.