Full Advocacy and Policy Influencing PMEL and Skills | Blended Course and Coaching Sessions

By MDF Training and Consultancy (HQ)

Full Advocacy and Policy Influencing PMEL and Skills | Blended Course and Coaching Sessions

📅 25 Apr 2022 –  27 May 2022
Blended Course and Coaching Sessions

This course offers a full learning trajectory and coaching on your own API case. It includes three weeks of interactive online sessions and two weeks of face-to-face sessions in Ede – the Netherlands. It covers the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning of your API design.

In addition, your API skills, such as negotiation, message design, and delivery, drafting position papers, conducting interviews, and making presentations will be sharpened. You will practice these skills and exchange with other participants regarding their experiences and policy contexts in the classroom, during breaks, and in the evenings. During and after the course, you will receive coaching by trainers and/or co-participants on your personal API learnings.

  • Understand how to influence policy processes and obtain key tools to plan advocacy strategies.
  • Develop well-framed messages and create coherent mutual paths for joint interventions.
  • Get acquainted with monitoring the progress of your advocacy interventions and evaluate the effects by using data-gathering and interpretation methods.
  • Difficult to engage in dialogue with authorities? Lack confidence when it comes to writing convincing messages? Learn skills on negotiating, framing messages, and using social media.
  • Develop the API plan for your own case in its policy context
  • Coaching by trainers and co-participants on your personal learning
