HIGHLIGHTS – IPC Acute Food Insecurity Situation for August- Nov 2017
• IPC current post harvest analysis show slightly better food security situation then pre-harvest. Out of 34 provinces 21 were classified in phase 3, one of the province Badghis is classified in phase 4.
• Out of 21 provinces classified in phase 3, provinces with higher number of proportions in phase 4 were: Badghis (25%), Bamyan (14%), Daikundi (10%), Ghor (12%), Saripul( 10%) and Khost (10%).
• Nangarhar and Kandahar are the provinces with lower percentages in crisis situations, but due to greater population compare to other provinces hosting highest number of food insecure population in phase 3 or above.
• Due to insecurity incidents enough evidence from northern east province Badakhshan was not obtained, with support of contributing factors the province is classified in phase 3 with only 5% of the population in emergency phase.
• Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) host communities, undocumented returnees and land less households are most vulnerable and worst affected by food insecurity. . Food security assessment by OCHA and food security and agriculture cluster shows high level of food insecurity in these group crossing emergency thresholds.
• Conflicts, natural disasters, high rate of documented and undocumented return, poor livelihoods infrastructure and under development are the major drivers of food insecurity in Afghanistan.
• Lack of access to and poor utilization of food are the major factors driving food insecurity. In some areas chronic food insecurity is crossing or about to cross emergency thresholds of food insecurity.
• Limited resilience to conflicts and shocks are major consequences that further aggravate the food insecurity situation. Asset depletion is on the rise resulting in high concentration of people in IPC-2 and 3. This is a dangerous sign which can enhance migration and food insecurity so more attention is required to protect and rehabilitate the livelihoods of affected people.
Read full report here.
Original source: Integrated Food Security Phase Classification.
Posted on 20 August 2017