Cowater International Inc.

Expert in International Trade and Intellectual Property Law

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Last update: Sep 16, 2024 Last update: Sep 16, 2024


Deadline: Oct 14, 2024 Deadline for applications has passed
Location: Home Based
Job type:Contract, 12 months +
Work experience:Min 5 years
Date posted: Sep 13, 2024


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Apply by Date: October 14th, 2024  
Type: Part-Time/Short-Term
Position Location: Home-based
Funded by Global Affairs Canada, the Expert Deployment Mechanism for Trade and Development (EDM) provides technical assistance to Official Development Assistance (ODA)-eligible countries to maximize the development impacts of trade and investment. Over seven years (2018-2025), EDM will invest CAD 16.5 million to support Canada's developing country trading partners to negotiate, implement, benefit from, and adapt to trade and investment agreements with Canada.
EDM is a demand-driven project that will benefit potential partners—including governments, local private sector groups, and local civil society organizations—through capacity building and technical advisory support on policy reform issues that have the potential to reduce poverty and gender inequalities and support progress in trade and investment agreement negotiations.
The ASEAN regional economic integration project has been a remarkable success, advancing slowly but steadily towards a common market and full enjoyment of the four economic freedoms (the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital) by the region's 650 million people. The evidence of this success is ASEAN's impressive economic growth, which has outperformed the global economy over the past two decades. 
Trade liberalization has made an important contribution to ASEAN's economic development. ASEAN has pursued an active program of trade negotiations with external trading partners, which has, to date, yielded 13 bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements. ASEAN Member States have also concluded over 80 bilateral trade agreements. 
ASEAN is currently engaged in trade negotiations with Canada and, in that context, the EDM has provided expert assistance to deepen Member States' understanding of negotiating issues, build consensus negotiating positions among the members and strengthen their capacity to implement the obligations of an eventual agreement.  
As part of the agreement, Canada seeks robust disciplines on the protection of intellectual property rights. Some of the provisions expected to be included in the eventual agreement would require an amendment to existing law and regulations. The ASEAN Secretariat has requested expert assistance for Cambodian intellectual property officials to align IP laws and regulations with international trends and possible outcomes in the negotiation with Canada.  The list of possible provisions requiring amendments to Cambodian IP law and regulations includes:

  • Electronic Trademarks System
  • Types of Signs Registrable as Trademarks with respect to Sound Marks
  • Protection of New Varieties of Plants
  • Graphic User Interface.
  • Patentable Subject Matters
  • Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data for Pharmaceutical Products
  • Protection of Undisclosed Test or Other Data for New Agricultural Chemical Products
  • WIPO Marrakesh, Copyright (WCT) and Performances and Phonograms (WPPT) Treaties
  • Protection of Technical Measures
  • Protection of Rights Management Information
  • Liability of Intermediary Services Providers
  • General Obligation (enforcement)
  • Trade secrets
  • Enforcement (not further specified at this time)      

Bidders may find it useful to examine the provisions in recent Canadian trade agreements, including the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and existing Cambodian IP laws and regulations to evaluate the scope and scale of the technical assistance required.
Linkage to EDM Performance Measurement Framework: 
This assistance is consistent with the EDM Performance Management Framework, Immediate Outcome 1100: Enhanced ability of partner country MDAs to engage in exploratory discussions and negotiate sustainable and inclusive trade and investment agreements.
The assistance also aligns with the EDM Country Needs Assessment Plan for ASEAN, Mandate 1: Strengthening ASEAN Readiness for Trade Negotiations with Canada and Implementation of a Potential Agreement.
Description of Technical Assistance Request/Key Responsibilities:
The technical expert(s) will:

  1. Design and deliver a series of training workshops for Cambodian intellectual property officials on the amendment of laws and regulations necessary to come into conformity with the provisions in international trade agreements, with particular attention to recent Canadian trade agreements; the technical expert will also be responsible for the logistics of organizing the training workshops; and
  2. Mentor Cambodian intellectual property officials in the process of drafting new and amended provisions in intellectual property laws and regulations.

The training workshops, supporting written materials, and mentorship will be delivered in Khmer. EDM will fund translation and simultaneous interpretation services if required.
Consistent with Canada's inclusive trade approach, the EDM promotes gender equality and social inclusion as cross-cutting objectives of all technical assistance.  Proposals should explain how these objectives will be integrated into the planning/approach, content and conduct of the training workshops and mentorship.
The direct beneficiaries of this technical assistance will be Cambodian government officials responsible for developing intellectual property policy.  Indirectly, the assistance will result in better trade and intellectual property outcomes for Cambodian businesses, increasing sustainable trade, prosperity, and poverty reduction.  
The immediate outcome of the technical assistance is expected to be increased knowledge of intellectual property provisions in trade agreements among Cambodian officials.  In the medium term, the assistance is expected to support the establishment of new laws and regulations in Cambodia, as well as to contribute to the successful conclusion of the ASEAN-Canada FTA negotiations. 
Technical Expert Profile/Expertise Required:
Bidders for this technical assistance activity must demonstrate expert knowledge and extensive experience in the following:

  • the drafting of intellectual property laws and regulations;
  • intellectual property provisions in international trade agreements;
  • the design and delivery of training on intellectual property issues;
  • the design and delivery of trade technical assistance to developing countries;
  • the impact of intellectual property law and regulation on gender equality/social inclusion and environmental sustainability.

Note: The EDM includes a core focus on gender and social inclusion as well as on environmental issues associated with trade activities. Successful applicants must research and integrate specific good and emerging practices in this area, partnering with other expert consultants if necessary. Any prior experience providing TA on gender equality, social inclusion, and the environment will be considered a strong asset.   Before starting activities, the successful Consultant (s) will be required to complete the Government of Canada's online Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) training (approximately 2 hours).
Timelines: The recruitment of experts is expected to be completed by the end of October 2024, and the technical assistance activity is expected to be completed by March 31, 2025.

  • A detailed work plan, work schedule and budget for the delivery of activities. The work plan should include a plan for the delivery of the mentorship activity.
  • Draft and final training workshop program, presentations and supporting documents.
  • Completed EDM Performance Measurement Framework template for the TA, including baseline data and targets against EDM indicators.
  • Final Narrative Report on Mandate: Due within 30 calendar days of completing all TA activities. The report shall describe activities delivered; results achieved (versus initial expected results and baseline); lessons learned relevant to future EDM activities, and expenses incurred by the Consultant in carrying out this mandate. EDM will review and approve this report before being shared with Global Affairs Canada.

Proposal Submission Process:   For your proposal to be considered, please name your document in the following format: 5.13 Consultant Last Name, First Name (Proposals can be submitted by a single consultant or a consortium of consultants).  Your proposal should be in English and contain the following sections:

  • Cover letter
  • Your approach to implementing this TA (up to 10 pages maximum);
  • Your approach to ensure that gender equality and social inclusion are considered in all aspects of the TA, including approach, content, and delivery (up to 2 pages maximum);
  • Your approach to ensure that environmental impacts are considered in all aspects of the TA, including approach, content, and delivery (up to 1 page maximum);
  • Your project management and monitoring strategy for implementing the activities (up to 2 pages maximum).
  • All proposed personnel to implement this project and their roles and responsibilities. Include all CVs of proposed personnel/experts (up to 20 pages maximum).
  • Estimated level of effort (in days) and consulting rates (in CAD) for each proposed personnel member and/or expert implementing the project.

Please submit your proposal as one PDF document through the Cowater Career Page. Emailed proposals will not be accepted. If you have any questions, please email   
ABOUT US Founded in 1985, Cowater International is a leading global development consulting company. Headquartered in Ottawa and with corporate hubs in Auckland, Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Manila, Nairobi, Singapore and Stockholm, Cowater International has successfully delivered a portfolio of over 2500 projects and assignments in more than 95 countries. We work with governments, private sector actors and communities to implement projects that support socio-economic development, institutional strengthening, and environmental improvements, and advance equal opportunities for all. We are a diverse and experienced team committed to building a better tomorrow for the people we serve. Our adaptive approach to management has led to our yearly award-winning work and recognition as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies since 2017. 
We thank you for your interest in building a better tomorrow.